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Save These Dates: Summer ’24 Sandbox Preview

illustration of a person waterskiing in turquoise colored water, pulled by a brown boat / sandbox preview
Stay in the know by joining the Release Readiness Trailblazers Community. That’s where we post available resources, and it’s a great place to ask questions as you implement new features. [Malte Mueller / Getty Images]

The Summer ’24 sandbox preview window is coming up. Here are some tips to take full advantage of it, plus all the dates you need to know.

The Summer ’24 Salesforce Release sandbox preview window is around the corner. Note the dates now so your organization is prepared for the upgrade.

We’ll upgrade your production instance to the Summer ’24 release according to the rolling 12-month release calendar. To check your upgrade date, enter your instance name or domain and click the maintenance tab.

The next thing you need to know is when your sandbox will be upgraded to Summer ’24, as this is the first opportunity you’ll get to test your configurations on the new release. Let’s look at the dates you’ll need to know.

Graphic showing Salesforce 2024 sandbox preview dates

Now: Join the Release Readiness Trailblazers Community

Stay in the know by joining the Release Readiness Trailblazers Community. That’s where we post available resources, and it’s a great place to ask questions as you implement new features. If you’re new to managing releases, there’s a Trailhead module to walk you through the process.

April 18: Sign up for a prerelease environment

Why do you need a prerelease org? It’s a test environment with new release features enabled, allowing you plenty of time to test and figure out which ones are right for your organization. If you already had a prerelease org for Spring 24, you can log back into that one

Please note that beginning with the Summer ’24 Release, the Customer Pre-Release Program will reside on Hyperforce. Any new pre-release orgs signed up starting April 18 will be created on this new Hyperforce environment. Existing, active Pre-Release orgs will be migrated to Hyperforce by June 30.

April 24: Preview release notes are available

This is the time to scan the release notes. Use filters to display only the sections that relate to the edition and clouds you currently use.

May 9: Sandbox cut-off date

Use your sandbox to get early access to new features and test configurations before the scheduled production upgrade. You must have an active sandbox on a preview instance before May 9, to get the Summer ’24 preview in your sandbox. 

In most cases, you don’t need to do anything because your sandbox is already on a preview instance. Get all the details you need in the sandbox preview instructions article on Salesforce Help.

May 10: Sandboxes upgraded

If you’ve decided to take advantage of sandbox preview, your chosen sandboxes are upgraded to Summer ’24 this weekend. Like the prerelease program, the sandbox preview allows you to test new features without impacting your live environment. However, the added benefit to the sandbox preview is the ability to test new features using a configuration that matches your production environment.

May 10: Summer ’24 Release site is live

We know everyone digests release information differently. That’s why the Release Highlights module on Trailhead is a quick and easy way to learn about features. We offer demo videos, Trailhead modules, community forums, and more to make the process as easy as possible.

May 17: First release weekend

The first release weekend is when we at Salesforce and a small number of customers get upgraded. At this stage, you probably already have your key features earmarked. If you’re ready for your upgrade, the Release Readiness Trailblazers group will have all the content you need to get your organization’s users up to speed on the new features you plan to rollout.

May 29 to 31: Release Readiness Live

Our admin and developer evangelists kick off the Summer ’24 release with their favorite features. Then, the product management team will discuss and demo the new features. See how those features work in real time and get a sneak peek into the roadmap for 2024. Full details on the agenda and schedule will be posted in May on our Release Readiness Trailblazers group.

June 7: Second release weekend

Another set of instances gets upgraded during the June 7 weekend. If you have any questions, our Trust page has the latest info on the timing of the upgrade. And, since it only takes five minutes, the upgrade shouldn’t impact your operations or uptime.

June 14: Final release weekend

All remaining Salesforce instances are upgraded on June 14. If you previously opted out of including your orgs in the sandbox preview, they will be upgraded this weekend.

Want to get these dates on your calendar? Check out our public release calendar or import it into your calendar of choice.

All you need to know

Get ready for the next Salesforce Release! Review the Release Resources hub to help you prepare your organization and users for new release innovations.

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