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New Book She Sells – Grow the Number of Women in Sales and Sales Leadership

She Sells - the book cover

In the soon-to-be-released new book, “She Sells – Attract, Promote, and Retain Great Women in B2B Sales” we will be talking about each chapter in upcoming posts. For now, you can see an overview and a bit of description for each.

What it is Really Like to Be a Woman in Sales Now – the state of professional selling post-Pandemic

Attract Differently – Stop saying that you can’t find any qualified women to hire – we’ll show you how

Hire Well – Use a consistent process and include the most important keys to retention

Onboard Successfully – continue with a consistent onboarding process, focusing on a customized program

Retain Better – why do women more than men want to know about their potential promotional path?

Promote Right – when and how to promote (you might be surprised)

What Women Say – hear what a broad group of women think about a more inclusive sales team

What Men Say – we’ve found three groups of men – where do you fall?

Create a Strong Sales Culture– continue the work for a selling team that reflects who your buyers are

You can pre-order the book here.

Publish date will be in April, 2021.

Lori Richardson is the President of Women Sales Pros and author of the soon-to-be=released book, “She Sells”


3 Responses

  1. Can’t wait to see this book, Lori! It promises to be a welcome guide for sales leaders who want to diversify their teams and a resource for women dealing with challenging sales cultures in their workplace. Congratulations!

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