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How to Build a Professional Legacy

Zachary Banks, wearing a Trailblazer hoodie, discusses how to create a professional hoodie.
A professional legacy extends beyond the individual, creating a positive ripple effect that inspires others.

Trailblazer Zachary Banks shares his four easy steps for building your career, brand, and legacy in the Salesforce ecosystem.

With the rapid evolution of technology, a lot of exciting things are now possible–including building a remarkable career and a better future for yourself with Salesforce. One of the most exciting things about working in the Salesforce ecosystem is the opportunity to carve your niche and build your career, brand, and professional legacy.

My journey began around a decade ago as the first person in my family to graduate from college. After earning my degree, I started working at a call center, assisting customers through email, chat, and over the phone. That first job introduced me to Service Cloud and the Salesforce Platform. I quickly realized I could build an entire career with my Salesforce skills.

Flash-forward to today, I am 12x certified and have a job I had only ever dreamed of. A dream job that enabled me to achieve financial freedom and buy my first home. The power of the Trailblazer Community and the skills I learned on Trailhead, Salesforce’s free online learning platform, have been with me every step of the way.

While everyone’s journey is different, here are my four steps for building your career, personal brand, and professional legacy in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Step 1: Show up and show out

If you want to build a career in the Salesforce ecosystem, you’ll need to give 100%. To “show up” is just one part of the equation. To thrive, you also need to “show out”—fully participate, give it your all, and immerse yourself in Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community.

Show up

Show out

  • Invite someone you know who’s interested in learning new career skills.
  • Introduce yourself to everyone you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to make new connections.
  • Follow up after the event with any presenters and subject matter experts who inspired you.

When I started attending Salesforce Saturdays, things took off. At my first Salesforce Saturday, fellow Trailblazers Scott Luikart and Nadina Lisbon helped me fix a component I was struggling with for work. They were so helpful that day and that positive experience impacted the rest of my career. Needless to say, I was hooked from the beginning. Spending Saturdays alongside fellow Trailblazers, I was building community,  expertise, and a passion for my work. I was helping others troubleshoot their projects while gaining hands-on experience myself.

Step 2: Build your brand by starting small

Establishing a strong personal brand is key to gaining recognition and credibility amongst your peers. But remember that you can’t build a personal brand overnight. Start small by leaning into your strengths and sharing your knowledge, insights, and experiences. 

  • Discover the voice of your brand within the Salesforce ecosystem by taking this trailmix.
  • Share what you know by answering questions other Trailblazers pose in the Trailblazer Community.
  • Guide others by becoming a Trailblazer mentor.
  • Give back to your community by finding volunteer initiatives you’re passionate about.

You don’t necessarily need to start a flashy blog, vlog, or podcast to establish yourself. I’ve found that volunteering with Merivis, a nonprofit that supports veterans in preparing for and finding Salesforce careers, ultimately helped me uncover an important aspect of my brand: helping others. I’ve given presentations about topics that mean a lot to me and align with my brand; for instance, I’m passionate about helping people learn effective salary negotiation.

Involvement in Trailblazer Community Groups is another outlet you can explore. Over the past 4 years as a Trailblazer Community Group leader in Austin, I have led 36 local Community Group meetings with over a thousand attendees. Not only is the networking at these meetings fantastic–I’ve witnessed career journeys evolve before my very eyes. From getting started to becoming a group leader like myself, all it takes is one yes to change lives.

As a Trailblazer, you have the power to leave your mark in a way that not only elevates yourself but also positively influences others on their Salesforce journey.” 

Zachary Banks
Senior Architect, Technology, Link Logistics a Blackstone Company

Take your time with small, intentional steps. You can build a personal brand that aligns with your goals and values.

Step 3: Know your worth

Recognize your value and advocate for yourself as you become more involved with Salesforce and the Trailblazer Community. Your skills as a Trailblazer are valuable and sought after by employers. Remember your worth, and shake off any doubts about your place in the ecosystem. 

Reinforcing your confidence in yourself is key. Remember that you hold incredible skills that help you stand out in the job market–and there’s always room for future growth.

Step 4: Invest in your development

Put your professional development first. Investing in continuous learning is crucial to not only your development but also your self-confidence. 

Seek out earning additional Salesforce Certifications. Consider attending Certification Days and Trailhead Academy-led Bootcamp courses, both virtual and in-person, as you prepare for exam day.

Your professional legacy

Being consistent in showing up, giving back, and investing in yourself puts you in a position to build an incredible professional legacy. Luckily, Salesforce and the Trailblazer Community have a long history of giving individuals the freedom to flourish and reach their full potential. 

While my story won’t be the same as yours, I hope it inspires you to start your journey. We’re all writing our stories and creating our legacies. Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community make it possible. 

Building a legacy goes beyond achieving success in your career. It’s about making a lasting impact and creating a positive ripple effect that extends beyond yourself. There are certainly more resources available than just these four steps to get you where you want to go.

Check out some of my favorite resources below to start making your mark in the Salesforce ecosystem.


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