A Deep Dive Into the Nimble CRM Prospector Extension [Video]

A few months back I did a full webinar on Nimble CRM’s Prospector extension. Prospector is a tool that comes free with every Nimble account. It is a browser extension that works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. The browser extension also works directly with your Gmail inbox. There is also an available add-on for Outlook desktop and Outlook 365.

To put it simply … Prospector allows you to access your Nimble contact database from anywhere on the web. This means that you can …

  1. Look up any contact record on Nimble
  2. Edit any contact record on Nimble
  3. Create new contact records and add those to Nimble
  4. Just about anything that you can do with a contact record in Nimble, you can now perform those actions outside of Nimble. Create a task. Add a deal. Send an email, Add a tag. Just about anything.

A replay of the webinar is below, Enjoy!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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