Nimble CRM Updates – September 2023

Summer has come to an end, at least in my hemisphere, and so it is time to get back to work:) Here’s the latest news on Nimble CRM.

Upcoming – We are still waiting on deal automations and deal email filters. The initial offering of web forms is very close to being released. I have played with a pre-release version of the forms and it is awesome!

I do understand that these new web forms will not be the final versions when introduced and that a path of enhancements has already been mapped out. 

I’m also told that web forms will be an optional Nimble feature for a monthly fee in addition to your basic subscription. Once introduced, we will explore why this may be a very good investment for your business.

What has been released is the ability to monitor emails sent for replies. There is a new notification setting (in your settings) for “Watched Emails” and I also see a box to select when composing an email in Nimble where you can choose how long to wait for a reply before you get a reminder that they have not replied. Nice! Here’s a video!

Bye, bye birdie – Changes to X’s API (Twitter) have caused Nimble to discontinue an integration with this service. You can still use Prospector to create records from just about any web page including “X”.

This month, let’s explore activities! When we talk about activities, we have several different types. Additionally, these can be created in both contact and deal records.

  • Tasks – Tasks are one-off to-do items and you can create a task to be completed at a specific time or log a task as being already completed. Tasks can also be assigned to another team member.
  • Notes – Just what they say. You are adding notes to a record.
  • Events – You are scheduling an event with this contact. Note that you will need to specify whether or not this event will go on Nimble’s internal only calendar or on a connected Microsoft or Google calendar.
  • Phone calls – Log a call as being successfully or unsuccessfully completed.
  • Message – Send an email.
  • Custom Activities – These are created in your settings. They are the same as tasks with two exceptions … they have a specific custom name and you can specify whether or not to update your last contacted date (read on).

A few more notes …

  • Activities can have tags. These are separate from Contact or Deal tags. They are one other way for organizing your tasks and calls etc. When you look at your activity listing, you can also filter by tags.
  • Tasks, custom activities, events, and calls are all available widgets for your Today Page.
  • Deal records actually show action buttons (activities etc.) in two places. The more colorful ones on the right will appear when you are not showing recent activities on this deal. Kind of like a possible “stuck deal” reminder.

Last contacted date/time – This is a system generated field. Nimble will track your engagement, as well as your team members, with this contact. Emails exchanged, events, and successful calls WILL update this field. Tasks WILL NOT. Custom Activities WILL if you selected that option when you created the activity.

Stay in Touch Reminder – This is tied directly to the last contacted field. This is like a task only different. A task is a specific action one-off event. A stay in touch is a smart reminder to … stay in touch with this client. The frequency to stay in touch is selected on a per client basis. 

Nimble will watch the last contacted date and if it has been more than “x” number of days since you have engaged, Nimble will remind you to do so. Note that stay in touch reminders are user specific. In other words, individual team members can have their own stay in touch reminders all with the same contact.

What’s next? Whether you are building or maintaining a client relationship or working a deal, the steps remain the same. Do these few simple things and your CRM will keep you on track and make you money!

  1. Set a task for your next step
  2. Prior to completing the task, review previous notes and decide what you will want to talk about, to accomplish.
  3. Complete the task.
  4. Register notes regarding this task. You can do this as a note or in the task itself.
  5. Set your next task.
  6. Rinse and repeat.

Ez breezy. Nimble will remind you of when these tasks are due! If you would like to learn more about Nimble and see if it might be the right CRM for you and your business, please schedule a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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