Be Responsive But Busy – Sales 101

Anybody who has spent anytime around me knows that I am of the strong opinion that nowadays the bar has been set so incredibly low that any salesperson can set themselves ahead of any competitor by only doing one simple thing … return calls and answer emails. Be responsive.

You don’t believe me? Be honest now. As a buyer, how often do salespeople respond to your messages in a timely manner? Never or close to it. And the ones who do? Is their status elevated in your mind? Of course it is. They have demonstrated that they want your business.

I was talking to a couple of members of our networking group the other day. One indicated to me that his industry has a reputation for ignoring potential customer calls. He doesn’t and … he is highly successful. 

Another told me that she returned a call the other day (same day), and the customer was ecstatic. He had left a message three weeks ago for one of her competitors and, she too, is highly successful. Duh.

Is there a pattern here? Sure there is. Return calls, messages, and emails and make more sales. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could be simpler. Same day is good. Next day should be the minimum. Within a few hours is exceptional. Be exceptional.

Mind you, if you are slammed you don’t have to be prepared to engage in an hours- long conversation. Acknowledge receipt and promise to get back with them for further discussion by (insert day/time). Then exceed that expectation. No more excuses. It gets better. 

Not that anybody likes it, but we have all become conditioned to expect crappy service. It’s a sign of the times. Even mediocre service is bound to exceed expectations.  As the height of the bar is relative to the current expectations, maybe we could dig a hole and drop it in there. That way you won’t even have to trip over it.

Being responsive is not to be confused with having nothing to do. People do want to work with busy people because the perception is that they are in demand. So … create demand. 

“I can’t see you tomorrow, but I can see you next Tuesday. Would that work?”. Hell, I’m pretty much retired but I’m always “busy”. I have never, repeat NEVER, had a client push back on me regarding a suggested alternate meeting time and, generally, I will. I’m also highly responsive. The two work well together.

My shortest post … evah. Nothing more to say. Not needed. Simple.

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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