Becoming a Master Networker – Being R.U.M.

What are some of the traits that you admire or respect in other salespeople?

  • Humor – Relax! Inject some humor!
  • Manners – I was raised in the liberal use of please, thank you, and respect. Put your phone away!
  • Honesty is also a big part of this. Your word is your bond.
  • Rapport – The correct amount of chit-chat is always important and this correct amount is dictated by the customer. You need to be able to read that. You need to be able to mirror your prospects.
  • Do your due diligence! Be prepared – This is one area where the social networks (and the web in general) can be invaluable as a research resource.
  • Personalize your approach – People are lazy and, as a result, everything is mass marketed and nothing is personalized.
  • Educate vs. sell – Establish yourself as the authority
  • Attract vs interrupt –  Social profiles and activity
  • Being assertive vs. aggressive – Be non-threatening while still displaying confidence. Being diplomatic helps. Cushioning, providing reasons before asking tough questions or having to deliver unwanted answers, is a powerful technique!
  • Urgency and responsiveness – Being on time is late. Replying the next day … is late. Don’t be late. Do you want to be viewed as unique, remarkable, and memorable? Start here. When was the last time you heard … “He/she is a great salesperson but, they are just too damn responsive.”?
  • Be Proactive – The absolute last thing that you want to see happen is for the customer to contact you to check on the status. They have been thinking about it for some time prior to reaching out and, when they are thinking about things … it’s never good for you.
  • Mix it up! Don’t be predictable – You have a lot of different weapons in your arsenal so why is it that the only tool you use is a hammer? Additionally, you pop up at the least expected times with unexpected items of value.
  • Practice clear communication – With other team members as well as with clients.
  • Listen – Take notes. Recap. Clarify and confirm.
  • Never be afraid to tell them “no” – This includes when it is in their best interest or when it just can’t be done. You are also not afraid to tell them that  “I don’t know”. This makes you human and it also means that you will always have a reason to go back, even if it is to answer a question.
  • Organization – Always stay ahead! Beware of selling vs non-selling time. Selling time is for being in front of a customer. Non-selling time is for prep and paperwork.
  • Set clear expectations – Let them know what will happen and when and how and also makes it clear what parts they have to play in order to keep things on track!
  • Under promise and over deliver – As a general rule, however much time I am going to tell you that it will take for me to do “x”, is going to allow me enough time to make that date even in the event of … unplanned open-heart surgery. Whatever I agree to give you, in return for your business, I will give you more.

The bottom line is that RUM salespeople will consistently exceed customer expectations and, as a result …

  1. Your sales ratios will increase
  2. You will attract better prospects as your reputation becomes more established and recognized
  3. Referrals and repeat business, from all sources, will increase dramatically.

Note that each of the above will directly support the other two. As an example, referrals, repeat business, and better prospects will ALWAYS result in higher closing ratios. Simple:)

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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