I’m at a Crossroads With A.I.

Here I am, pushing 70, and I find myself at yet another crossroad. How much and how long I want to work has been a question for the last 15 plus years and … I’m still at it. The fact is, I like working and it’s one of the ways that I fund my toy collection.

Now, I am not what one would consider to be an early adopter. I’m change hesitant primarily due to my cynical nature. I like to see new ideas mature before investing the time needed to adapt them to my needs, if applicable.

A.I. certainly falls under this category. Frankly, I don’t trust it and the odds that it will be misused are totally off the scale. It creeps me out. However, that does not mean that it can’t be used appropriately and specifically within the selling profession.

My challenge will be to figure out what those applications are and where the boundaries need to be. I know that I can’t ignore it and I’m also confident that I’m going to have to deal with it. It’s development, and it’s apparent level of adoption, is beyond scary.

Before long (perhaps already), A.I. will be introduced into platforms that I currently use such as Nimble CRM, LinkedIn, and WordPress and even things like my email and calendar. Honestly, since I see myself continuing to work on some level for another 5 or more years so, I’m already kind of hosed. 

Avoiding  A.I. until I formally retire is likely not an option. And, as I am writing this post, a related article popped up on my radar. It addresses exactly what I have been feeling and discussing. Read about it here

This journey reminds me of when I first decided to investigate social media. I connected with a local gal who was an early adopter. Among other things, she encouraged me to start a blog. I had no idea what that was and when she told me the answer, my response was … write about what?

Her suggestion was “An old-time salesperson learns social media”. Well. Here we go again!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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