Here’s HOW a CRM Will Increase Your Sales! (No Stats)

I’m a huge cynic when it comes to statistics. Why? Just watch the news. The simple fact is that statistics can easily be manipulated to present the preferred outcome for whoever is compiling the data. Political polling is just one great example.

Inflation is coming down. Talk to my grocery bill. The economy is great. Take a look at my net worth compared to two years ago. Yada, yada, yada.

I prefer to focus on results so we are going to ignore all of the statistics that tout the promised benefits of CRM. Instead let’s talk about those things that just make sense.

The challenges salespeople face …

  • Staying on track
  • Keeping commitments 
  • Finding and attracting new business
  • Managing multiple relationships
  • Having enough in their pipeline
  • Building relationships
  • Knowing where you have been and where you are going
  • Keeping everything organized
  • The risks of missing opportunities and losing customers
  • Consistently hitting their numbers
  • Complete contact records
  • Access to contact records while in the field
  • Personalizing client engagements 

Salespeople are typically not well equipped to meet these challenges …

Let’s just say that, for most, organization is not exactly a salesperson’s strong suit. The busier you are, the worse it gets. It’s just that more difficult to manage these multiple moving parts.

How CRM helps …

A properly maintained CRM will assist salespeople in meeting ALL of the above challenges …

  • It’s your memory bank
  • A good CRM keeps you on track and on time
  • All customer information is in the contact record
  • Your files are electronic and travel with you wherever you go
  • Proven processes that deliver consistent results are replicated via workflows and pipelines 
  • You always know what you have going on and whether or not that is enough to meet your goals

Yet, despite all of these reasons to deploy CRM in their business, salespeople continue to chafe at the very thought of it. Why? Part of it is that a CRM is viewed as data entry. Another aspect is that most often using a CRM is something that has been requested (dictated) by their company or sales manager.

Get over it and do it for YOURSELF! There will be a learning curve. It will be uncomfortable at first. However, it does get easier and it will take less time than your current system of flopping around like a landed fish.

Most importantly … A GOOD CRM WILL MAKE YOU MONEY! I’ve spent that last 45 years as either a salesperson or as a sales manager. Even as a salesperson, I made a CRM an integral part of my selling process because … I have always been motivated by results.

I represent Nimble CRM. If you would like to learn more about Nimble and whether or not it might be the right choice for you, please book a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me.

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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