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How Sales is much more intimate with “Inside Sales”

4 min read
2148 reads

Inside Sales over traditional sales is the way to go nowadays and it’s the future of Sales. Being an Inside Sales Rep implies you’re not on your feet, up and running to increase your company’s sales but instead you have to manage everything from your office space without meeting your possible clients in-person. If that sounds like sales reps are missing out on the essence of sales itself, worry not, actually it’s the opposite.

As an inside sales personnel, you have the greatest of opportunities now to be more human and much more intimate with your buyers. Let’s take into consideration the advancements of modern world sales stack which are at disposal; you might as well be having a magic wand in your hands. You’re equipped with ample of information that was never even imagined as a possibility when sales were all the leg work.

You are now aware of your buyer in such a way that even he doesn’t know about himself and nor his spouse!!

Inside Sales

Yes, You heard that right!

For example: consider one of the feature of our SalesHandy tool, Email tracking. In its core, it allows you to automate emails cadence. Additionally, you get notifications about who opens your emails; it also tracks the links within your email that have been clicked.

Now, Who knows all these things? Only the Inside Sales Reps!

Now, Buyers don’t want to see you, but…

There’s a thin line of difference between seeing you VS engaging you. Customers don’t want to see you but, at the same time, they are happy to engage with your sales team now more than ever. They would like you to take them through the entire sales cycle, but with minimum direct interactions. That means through Inside Sales approach.

These insights are not coming from just a couple of buyers or industries, but a total of 12.5K buyers survey list across 19 different industries. The result is an outcome of a comprehensive survey conducted by Sales Benchmark Index; a management consulting firm specialized in Sales & Marketing.

Buyers are at ease with you now!

For a buyer, setting an appointment to meet a sales person face to face is a bigger commitment and an emotional obligation at times. In case, even if the buyer doesn’t feel like meeting that day because he might be exhausted from his daily schedule already, he might feel obligated to meet the sales person as he has already committed to it, even if it is for some time. And we won’t be the last sales reps that he was meeting or intend to meet. There are always other companies approaching the buyer you are interested.

Inside Sales

But as inside sales professional, you give a buyer the most convenient of options, i.e. not to add another meeting in their already overflowing schedule. Most of your dialogues happen over phone calls, follow-ups on chats, presentations and demos on shared screens etc.

This approach is giving them enough space with comfort. This is making buyers more open to talking to salespeople more often than not because everything happens at their convenience. They prefer short but meaningful talk and want to choose their preferable time and platform which is all possible now that inside sales is available with every other company.

Research says, the likelihood of converting an inbound lead to a Sales Qualified Lead(SQL) plummets to near zero if you don’t contact the lead in 30 mins. This infers that buyers are more than willing to engage immediately.

Inside sales save time and money, for buyers too!

Inside Sales

In any given scenario where buyer seeks information, you’re likely to feed him quicker through inside sales approach. You’re saving all the time which otherwise was spent on setting up meetings, casual meets, waiting, ice-breaking talks and so on.

And, as a sales team, when you chose to serve your buyer through this approach

  • You are eliminating travel time which makes you 150% more efficient
  • Your average inside sales call costs you just 1/6th of outside sales call

Where do you think all these savings can go? Maybe you can reinvest more into the relationship and make your offer further attractive.

Who doesn’t love you when you’re investing so much of your own time and money for others to save theirs?

To Conclude,

At the end of all, as an Inside sales professional, you’re now equipped with lot of crucial information about your buyer which gives you a unique opportunity to strike while the opportunity is hot and even better, your buyer is loving all your attention and is willing to spend more time and money listening to you and what you have to offer.

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