ChatGPT 4o Hosts Podcast and Interviews Shane Gibson, Keynote AI Speaker, on the Future of Sales

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As a podcaster, sales geek, and AI enthusiast, I am excited to share my first podcast where I have ChatGPT 4o host and interview me on my latest keynote, “AI and the Future of Sales.”

That’s right… the guest host of this podcast episode is an AI.

As a keynote speaker and author, I have been delivering keynotes on AI for sales since 2018 – 6 years ago I would not have conceived being interviewed by an AI for my own podcast as being possible in such a short time.

Video: ChatGPT 4o Hosts Podcast and Interviews Shane Gibson, Keynote AI Speaker

This is arguably one of the first times an artificial intelligence, specifically OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o, has conducted a podcast interview – it’s definitely the first for a sales podcast.

My goal with this pioneering approach was not only to showcase the capabilities of modern AI but also to show how we can creatively leverage technology in impactful ways as sales professionals.

In this unique episode, I share with the interviewer (ChatGPT-4o) how AI is transforming sales, helping evolve skill sets required for success, and also dig into the future trends that will shape the industry. Here are the key takeaways from this interview:

Will AI Help Sellers or Replace Them?

AI will both help and replace sellers. It’s about leveraging AI to automate and augment our intelligence while doubling down on human skills, aptitudes, and creativity. If sales professionals focus on rote activities and administrative tasks, AI will replace them. However, those who embrace AI to enhance their capabilities will thrive.

The Changing Sales Landscape

I discussed the significant decrease in sales positions over the past few years. Despite fewer opportunities, these positions offer better pay for those who are qualified. This shift can be attributed to the convergence of trends, including AI and automation, multi-channel selling, and the growing need for technical skills.

“The skill set that got us here is not going to be the skill set that gets us to where we want to go in our sales career.”

– Shane Gibson

Adapting to a Multi-Channel Approach

Today’s buyers use over twenty channels to make decisions. I emphasized the importance of adapting to this multi-channel approach by understanding the nuances of each platform and leveraging AI tools to automate and optimize communication across these channels.

“We are now looking at a 20-plus channel universe for a business-to-business buyer.”

The Competency Map for Modern Sales Professionals

In “Real Results in a Virtual Economy,” my co-author Denis Cauiver and I developed a competency map for modern sales professionals. Key competencies include:

  • Traditional Selling Skills: Rapport building, objection handling, and closing.
  • Right-Brain Sales Skills: Creativity, problem-solving, communication, and empathy.
  • Technical Intelligence (TQ): Understanding and utilizing technology, creative prompt writing, and curiosity about new tools.
  • Emotional Intelligence in Digital Platforms: Adapting communication styles to different channels.
  • Social Networking: Building community and adding value both online and offline.

“Doubling down on creativity and right-brain selling skills is crucial in an AI-driven world.”

Right-Brain Selling

I explained that right-brain selling focuses on creativity, empathy, and innovation—skills that are harder for AI to replicate. As AI automates analytical and process-oriented tasks, sales professionals must excel in these human-centric areas to remain relevant.

“These are the right-brain sales skills around creativity and connecting and working outside of the box, breaking the rules, humor, kindness, giving.”

Ensuring Inclusion in New Job Growth

With AI expected to make millions of jobs redundant but also create new opportunities, I highlighted the importance of combining technical knowledge with emotional intelligence and core people skills. Sales professionals who embrace continuous learning and adaptability will be well-positioned to benefit from new job growth.

“It’s about combining technical knowledge and the willingness to learn new tech tools with emotional intelligence and core people skills.”

The Ironman Analogy

Using the Ironman analogy, I illustrated how AI can amplify sales professionals’ abilities. By leveraging tools like Fathom, which listens to Zoom calls and provides detailed summaries, salespeople can improve their listening skills, create more client-centric proposals, and significantly increase their productivity.

“It’s not about hiring a robot; it’s about taking your humanness and stacking on technology to amplify who you are and what you’re good at.”

AI’s Transformative Potential

Many salespeople use AI for basic tasks like content creation and data analysis. However, I pointed out that AI’s true potential lies in making salespeople smarter. AI can provide data-driven insights, coach salespeople on who to call and when, and enhance overall sales performance. Both Hubspot and Salesforce have extensive use cases and data showing that CRM powered with AI can coach your salespeople to increased win rates of 20% or more.

“AI can actually coach us in the background and make us more effective as people.”

Favorite AI Tools

I shared some of my favorite AI tools that significantly enhance sales and marketing efforts:

  • Fathom: AI-based note-taker that summarizes key points from meetings.
  • Creates short, shareable video clips for social media.
  • Crystal: Analyzes personality profiles to tailor communication strategies.
  • ChatGPT: Used for generating ideas and refining content.

“ helps me do 20 hours of marketing in a week with only two hours of effort.”

Future Trends in Sales

I identified several key trends that will shape the future of sales:

  1. Digital-First Selling: Most client interactions will start on digital platforms.
  2. Hybrid Selling: Combining online and offline interactions throughout the sales process.
  3. Curious Self-Developers: Sales professionals must take responsibility for their own learning and development.
  4. AI and Emotional Intelligence: Marrying AI with emotional intelligence will drive sales success.

“Only curious self-learners need to apply for sales.”

Advice for Sales Professionals

My advice for staying ahead in the AI-driven sales landscape includes following thought leaders, trying out new AI tools regularly, and continuously investing in personal development.

“Follow great thought leaders, try out one to two new AI tools every single week, and stay curious.”


This historic podcast episode (at least I think it is) , Shane Gibson (that’s me), and ChatGPT-4o showcases the innovative potential of AI in sales. By leveraging AI tools and focusing on right-brain skills, sales professionals can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace. The insights shared provide a roadmap for navigating the future of sales, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and the integration of AI with human intelligence.

For more insights and discussions on AI and the future of sales, follow my podcast at and explore my sales training resources at Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter at @ShaneGibson for updates and valuable content.

To book Shane Gibson to deliver his “AI and the Future of Sales” Keynote Contact Us.

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