Sales Blog by Veloxy

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Sales Blog Posts

Helping you shrink your sales cycles with how-to guides, checklists, newsworthy articles, guest blog posts, case studies, video tutorials, and opinion pieces from today's sales experts.

illustration of salesforce adoption

Explore Our 16 Strategies for Improving Salesforce Adoption

Did you know that around 77% of sellers cannot efficiently complete their tasks? Lack of productivity can result in lost sales, poor customer relations, and inability to complete everyday tasks.  Many organizations devote a large portion of their budget to tools and programs designed to streamline their operations.

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The Ultimate Cold Outreach Guide: Outbound Marketing on Steroids

Cold outreach can sometimes feel like a bad word. (Or two). How can you guide your team to do it effectively? How can you convince them that it can lead to ROI and sales? The reality is, cold outreach is a powerful marketing technique that can unlock untapped potential for your business. Join me as we take a look at

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ai sales assistant software illustration

What is an AI Sales Assistant? The Future of Sales

What can an AI sales assistant do for your team’s performance? In the ever-evolving sales technology market, these AI-driven tools are vital for automating non-selling tasks, enabling data-driven decisions, and enhancing customer relationships. With extensive experience helping field and outside sales teams boost productivity and close more deals, we at Veloxy understand the impact of the right AI tools. In this post,

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outside sales rep departing for a client meeting

What is Outside Sales? Everything You Need to Know in 2024

The sales world is huge, and if you’re in the biz, you’ve probably dabbled in both inside and outside sales roles. But if you’re thinking about switching to outside sales, or just want to step up your game in field selling, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. In this blog post, we’re diving into the world of outside sales. We’ll

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Supercharge Your Revenue With High Velocity Sales Strategies

In an era of fierce competition, businesses must find ways to optimize their sales processes to stay ahead. High velocity sales has emerged as a powerful strategy to accelerate the path to success. By combining speed, efficiency, and data-driven decision making, high velocity sales enables organizations to close deals faster, increase revenue, and outperform their competitors. Let’s find out how

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