Press Release – Virginia Cunningham to Assume Ownership Role in NetWorks! Boise

January 10, 2018 – Boise, Idaho

NetWorks! Boise, a business-to-business networking organization that meets weekly for lunch, announced today that Virginia Cunningham has entered into an agreement with Craig M. Jamieson where she will gradually be assuming ownership of the group. This transaction will take place over the next four to five years.

The announcement to the group members from Craig M. Jamieson:

I am very pleased to announce today that Virginia will be taking on an ownership position with the group. There are number of reasons for my excitement …

  • I know that you all love and respect Virginia as much as she loves and respects all of you!
  • The group will continue and in the same format.
  • You will see no drop offs in the group’s services. We will continue to look at new ways to improve your experience.
  • I get somebody to strategize with! I have known Virginia longer than anyone and our core values and goals have always been in sync.

Effective today, Virginia and I will be alternating meeting coverage. We have also purchased a second projector so that one will be available at all meetings. I will be gradually schooling Virginia in all aspects of our operations. We will jointly make decisions regarding group policies. Of course, your input is always welcome and considered!

This additional free time will allow me to put added effort into finding, and bringing on, new quality members. Please join me in congratulating Virginia and a big thank you to our group’s attorney, Kristin Bjorkman-Dunn, for her help in putting our agreement together!

NetWorks! Boise is one of the services offered by Adaptive Business Services which will continue to be wholly owned and operated by Craig M. Jamieson. For information regarding NetWorks!, or for inquiring about potential membership in the group, please contact us via our website at .

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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