Complete Guide to Sales Velocity for Revenue Growth | Veloxy

a businessman thriving from the use of sales velocity

It’s time to discover everything you need to know about sales velocity, how to calculate it using a simple sales velocity formula, and how to grow revenue faster.

As the CEO of Veloxy, I’ve built sales velocity right into our software, crafting features specifically designed to help users drastically reduce sales cycles and increase their revenue. This metric forms the core of effective sales strategies, giving companies like yours the edge they need to excel in the current competitive market.

I’m here to share all the insights on sales velocity with you — from fundamental concepts to actionable tactics. Get ready to dive deep into strategies that will turbocharge your sales performance and elevate your revenue like never before!

And if you’d rather spend 15 minutes having a direct conversation with me about boosting your sales velocity than reading through this post, feel free to schedule a time on my calendar below.

How to Increase Sales Velocity - 30 mins

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I Want to Grow Revenue Faster

What Is Sales Velocity and Why Does It Matter?

As someone who’s dedicated over a decade to mastering the nuances of field sales and sales productivity, I’ve come to recognize the undeniable power of sales velocity.

It’s not just a metric for me; it’s a compass that guides every strategy I deploy in my role as CEO. Together, let’s uncover the essence of this critical measure and dissect the formula that allows us to harness its full potential. It’s crucial, not just for driving growth but for reshaping how we approach our sales pipelines altogether.

definition of sales velocity

Sales Velocity: Unleashing the Power

At its essence, sales velocity measures the speed and efficiency at which deals progress through your sales pipeline. It provides valuable insights into the health and effectiveness of your sales process, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and drive revenue growth.

In many companies, it goes by several different names:

  • Sales speed
  • Revenue momentum
  • Deal velocity
  • Sales cycle efficiency
  • Conversion rate velocity
  • Pipeline velocity
  • Sales acceleration
  • Revenue velocity
  • Deal flow velocity

How to Calculate Sales Velcoity

Calculating sales velocity involves considering several key factors that influence the overall speed and success of your sales efforts.

By understanding these components, you can gain a comprehensive view of your sales performance. But first, here’s the formula:

sales velocity formula
Sales Velocity = Number of Opportunities × Average Deal Value × Win Rate ÷ Sales Cycle Length

Let’s break down each component of the sales velocity formula:

  • Number of Opportunities: This refers to the total number of potential deals or opportunities in your sales pipeline. It represents the volume of prospects your sales team engages with at any given time.

  • Average Deal Value: This component represents the average monetary value of each deal or opportunity in your pipeline. It helps you gauge the potential revenue associated with each opportunity.

  • Win Rate: The win rate measures the percentage of opportunities that your sales team successfully converts into closed deals. It reflects the effectiveness of your sales strategy and the ability to close deals.

  • Sales Cycle Length: This component represents the average time it takes for an opportunity to move from the initial contact to a closed deal. It provides insights into the efficiency and speed of your sales process.

By multiplying the number of opportunities by the average deal value and the win rate, and then dividing the result by the sales cycle length, you obtain a comprehensive measure of your sales velocity.

Understanding the formula and its components empowers you to identify specific areas where improvements can be made. By optimizing each factor, you can significantly accelerate revenue growth and outpace your competitors.

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The Importance of Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is not just a buzzword; it holds immense importance for businesses of all sizes. Let’s delve into why this sales concept matters and uncover the benefits that come with increasing it.

a rocket being used as an analogy to sales velocity

Sales Velocity: Fueling Business Success

Sales velocity serves as a crucial metric that provides valuable insights into the health and effectiveness of your sales process. Here’s why it matters:

  • Revenue Generation: Sales velocity directly impacts your revenue generation. By optimizing your sales process and increasing the speed at which deals move through the pipeline, you can generate revenue more quickly and consistently. This acceleration in revenue can lead to significant business growth and financial success.
  • Sales Efficiency: When you focus on improving sales velocity, you inherently streamline your sales operations. By identifying and addressing bottlenecks in your sales process, you can enhance efficiency, reduce wasted time and resources, and enable your sales team to work more productively. This efficiency translates into a higher volume of closed deals and a greater return on investment.
  • Competitive Edge: In today’s fast-paced business landscape, gaining a competitive edge is paramount. By optimizing your sales velocity, you can outpace your competitors by closing deals faster and capturing market opportunities swiftly. This agility allows you to stay ahead in a dynamic market and increase your market share.
  • Sales Forecasting: Sales velocity provides valuable data for accurate sales forecasting. By understanding how quickly deals are progressing and converting, you can make more informed predictions about future revenue and plan your resources accordingly. This forecasting capability enhances your decision-making and helps you allocate resources effectively.
  • Identifying Improvement Areas: Sales velocity acts as a diagnostic tool, highlighting areas in your sales process that require improvement. By tracking and analyzing this metric, you can identify bottlenecks, address inefficiencies, and implement targeted strategies to enhance your overall sales performance.

Increasing sales velocity comes with a myriad of benefits, including improved revenue generation, streamlined sales operations, a competitive edge, and better sales forecasting.

It’s a powerful lever that can propel your business towards sustained growth and success.

Factors Affecting Sales Velocity

In my years helping sales teams, I’ve pinpointed several key factors that turbocharge or hinder sales velocity. Let’s dive into these crucial elements, drawing from real-world experiences to see how they shape our journey towards revenue acceleration.

1. Lead Generation

The quality and quantity of leads generated play a vital role. Effective lead generation strategies and targeted marketing efforts can increase the number of opportunities in your pipeline, providing a larger pool of potential deals to work with.

Generating higher-quality leads that better align with your target customer profile will enhance the likelihood of conversion and sales velocity acceleration.

lead generation demonstrating sales velocity

2. Conversion Rates

Your conversion rate measures the percentage of leads or opportunities that successfully convert into closed deals. A higher conversion rate indicates a more efficient sales process, where a larger proportion of leads progresses through the pipeline and translates into revenue.

Improving your conversion rates through value-first sales techniques, personalized approaches, and tailored solutions will have a significant impact on your sales velocity.

3. Deal Size

The value of each deal closed plays a crucial role in the pace at which your revenue grows (as you’ll see in our revenue calculator). When the average deal size increases, it leads to more substantial revenue from each transaction. This enhancement not only boosts income but also propels your sales process forward more efficiently.

Targeting higher-value opportunities and refining the average deal size will significantly elevate your revenue’s growth rate, reflecting positively on your sales dynamics.

4. Sales Cycle Length

Sales cycle length refers to the time it takes for an opportunity to move through the sales pipeline, from initial contact to deal closure. A shorter sales cycle reduces the time required to generate revenue and increases the overall speed of your sales process.

Streamlining your sales cycle by identifying and addressing bottlenecks, automating processes, and enhancing sales efficiency will have a significant positive impact on your sales velocity.

sales manager analyzing sales cycle length

5. Interconnected Factors

It’s important to note that these four factors are interconnected and influence each other. For example, by improving your lead generation strategies and attracting higher-quality leads, you can increase both your conversion rates and deal sizes, leading to a shorter sales cycle and ultimately boosting sales velocity.

Strategies to Increase Sales Velocity

Understanding the factors that boost this crucial metric, I’m eager to unveil the strategies propelling our clients to unprecedented success.

I’ve witnessed firsthand how enhancements in streamlining the sales cycle contributed significantly to not just advancing sales velocity but also revolutionizing sales methodologies. You can read about it later by saving this case study.

The following transformative tactics are your keys to unlocking higher levels of performance in 2024 and beyond.

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1. Lead Generation Strategies

  • Targeted Marketing: Identify and focus on your ideal customer profile to generate high-quality leads. Craft personalized marketing campaigns and leverage data-driven insights to attract leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers.

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable and informative content that resonates with your target audience. Develop blog posts, videos, webinars, and ebooks that address their pain points and provide solutions, driving organic traffic and capturing qualified leads.

  • Referral Programs: Encourage satisfied customers to refer your business to their network. Implement referral programs that incentivize customers to share their positive experiences, expanding your reach and increasing the number of warm leads.

2. Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Sales Training and Enablement: Provide your sales team with comprehensive training and resources to improve their selling skills. Equip them with effective objection-handling techniques, persuasive communication strategies, and in-depth product knowledge to increase conversion rates. Learn more about sales enablement.

  • Sales Funnel Analysis: Analyze your sales funnel to identify areas where leads are dropping off or getting stuck. Optimize the different stages of your sales process, addressing pain points and objections, to guide leads smoothly through the funnel and improve conversion rates.

  • Personalized Sales Approach: Tailor your sales approach to each individual prospect. Understand their unique needs and pain points, and present customized solutions that address their specific challenges. This personalized touch enhances trust and increases the likelihood of conversion.
conversion rate optimization and a sales pipeline

3. Maximizing Deal Size

  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell additional products or services to your existing customers. Leverage customer data and insights to offer relevant upgrades or complementary solutions that can increase the overall deal size.

  • Value-Based Selling: Emphasize the value and benefits your product or service brings to the customer. Clearly articulate the return on investment and demonstrate how your offering can deliver significant value, justifying a higher deal size.

  • Bundle Offerings: Package complementary products or services together to create attractive bundled offerings. By providing a comprehensive solution that meets multiple customer needs, you can increase the perceived value and encourage customers to opt for larger deals.

4. Streamlining the Sales Cycle

  • Sales Process Automation: Utilize sales automation tools and software to streamline manual tasks and workflows. Automate repetitive processes such as data entry, follow-up emails, and lead nurturing, allowing your sales team to focus on high-value activities and shorten the sales cycle.

  • Clear Sales Pipeline Management: Implement a well-defined sales pipeline management process. Clearly define the stages and criteria for each stage, enabling better tracking and visibility of opportunities. This clarity helps identify bottlenecks and ensures a smooth progression through the pipeline.

  • Collaborative Sales Approach: Foster collaboration between different teams involved in the sales process, such as marketing, sales, and customer success. Encourage open communication, shared goals, and a seamless handover of leads, reducing delays and friction in the sales cycle.

By implementing these strategies, you can accelerate your sales velocity and drive remarkable growth for your business. This optimization journey demands ongoing analysis, experimentation, and refinement. Staying agile, adapting to market changes, and adopting a customer-centric mindset are crucial for enhancing this key performance metric and unlocking its full potential.

Measuring and Tracking Sales Velocity

As someone who’s navigated the complexities of sales productivity for years, I can’t stress enough the importance of closely monitoring sales velocity.

It’s been a compass for our customers, guiding them through data-rich waters to refine their strategies and tools for peak performance. 

Let’s dive into the metrics that illuminate our path and the tools that help us steer towards success.

manager reviewing velocity in sales analytics

Why Measure and Monitor Sales Velocity?

Measuring and monitoring sales velocity provides several benefits for your business:

  • Performance Assessment: This crucial metric allows you to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of your sales initiatives. Tracking over time helps reveal trends, patterns, and areas ripe for enhancement.
  • Decision-Making: Insights from this data empower strategic decisions on resource distribution, strategy adjustments, and sales process optimizations, ensuring efforts are concentrated where they yield the most benefit.
  • Benchmarking: Evaluating your figures against industry standards or set goals offers a clear perspective on your standing, facilitating realistic and ambitious targets for advancement.
  • Early Warning Signs: Consistent oversight enables the early spotting of issues or slowdowns within your sales pipeline. Prompt identification of these matters allows for swift intervention, curbing potential setbacks.

Key Metrics for Tracking Sales Velocity

To effectively measure and track sales velocity, consider the following key metrics:

  • Number of Opportunities: Measure the total number of opportunities or leads in your pipeline at any given time. This metric provides an indication of the quantity of potential deals in progress.

  • Average Deal Value: Calculate the average value of your closed deals. This metric helps you understand the typical revenue generated per opportunity and allows you to assess the impact of deal size on your sales velocity.

  • Win Rate: Determine the percentage of opportunities that result in a successful sale. Tracking your win rate provides insights into your sales team’s effectiveness in converting leads into customers.

  • Sales Cycle Length: Measure the average time it takes for an opportunity to progress from the initial contact to a closed deal. Understanding the length of your sales cycle helps you identify potential bottlenecks and streamline your sales process.
nine different sales analytic reports

Tools for Analyzing Sales Velocity

To effectively analyze and track sales velocity, consider utilizing the following tools:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: Platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM are invaluable for managing sales activities. They offer capabilities to gather sales data, oversee pipeline metrics, and produce detailed reports, offering a clearer view into your performance metrics.
  • Sales Analytics Platforms: Tools such as Veloxy,, and Tableau provide a window into your sales operations. They deliver advanced reporting, data visualization, and predictive analytics, enabling a deep dive into metrics to spot trends and uncover opportunities.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools: Solutions like Power BI, Looker, and Domo are critical for synthesizing data across systems, including CRM and sales tools. They allow for the creation of tailored dashboards and reports, facilitating real-time tracking of performance indicators.
  • Excel or Google Sheets: For those seeking simplicity or working with fewer resources, Excel or Google Sheets remain practical for monitoring key metrics. Through custom formulas and charts, these spreadsheets can effectively track and present your data.

Remember, the choice of tools depends on the complexity of your sales operations, budget, and specific reporting requirements. Select the tools that best align with your business needs and provide the necessary functionality to analyze and track sales velocity effectively. If you need help with this challenge, read my tech stack consolidation post here.

Common Challenges and Solutions

In my ongoing quest to maximize sales velocity for clients, I’ve faced hurdles that seemed insurmountable. Yet, with every challenge, from aligning team efforts to refining customer sales approach, we discovered innovative solutions.

I’m here to share these insights, turning obstacles into stepping stones for accelerating your sales success. Let’s dive into overcoming these common hurdles together.

sales managers reviewing sales process challenges

1. Ineffective Lead Generation

One of the primary challenges businesses face is generating high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers. Without a steady flow of qualified leads, your sales velocity can suffer.

To address this challenge:

  • Invest in Targeted Marketing: Identify your ideal customer profile and tailor your marketing efforts to reach and attract those specific prospects. Utilize targeted advertising, content marketing, and lead generation campaigns to generate qualified leads.

  • Optimize Lead Nurturing: Implement a strategic lead nurturing process to cultivate relationships with potential customers. Use personalized and relevant communication to guide leads through the sales funnel and increase their chances of conversion.

2. Lengthy Sales Cycles

Lengthy sales cycles can significantly impact sales velocity, as they prolong the time it takes to convert leads into customers.

To overcome this challenge:

  • Streamline Sales Processes: Evaluate your sales processes and identify areas where unnecessary delays or bottlenecks occur. Simplify and streamline these processes to reduce the overall sales cycle length.
  • Leverage Automation: Implement sales automation tools (like Veloxy) and other technologies to streamline repetitive tasks, automate follow-ups, and accelerate the sales cycle. This allows your sales team to focus on high-value activities and close deals faster.

3. Low Conversion Rates

Low conversion rates can hinder sales velocity by reducing the number of leads that progress through the sales funnel.

To address this challenge:

  • Enhance Sales Skills: Invest in sales training and development programs to equip your sales team with the skills and techniques needed to effectively convert leads. Provide ongoing coaching and feedback to improve their conversion rates.

  • Implement Lead Scoring: Implement a lead scoring system to prioritize and focus efforts on the most promising leads. By identifying and targeting leads with higher conversion potential, you can increase your overall conversion rates.

4. Inefficient Sales Tools and Technology

Outdated or inefficient sales tools and technology can hinder your sales team’s productivity and impede sales velocity.

To overcome this challenge:

  • Evaluate and Upgrade Tools: Assess your current sales tools and technologies to identify any gaps or inefficiencies. Invest in modern sales tools and CRM systems that enhance productivity, facilitate collaboration, and provide actionable insights.

  • Provide Training and Support: Ensure your sales team receives proper training and ongoing support to maximize the benefits of the sales tools and technologies you implement. Encourage adoption and usage to optimize sales processes.

5. Lack of Data-Driven Decision Making

Making decisions without proper data analysis and insights can hinder your ability to optimize sales velocity.

To overcome this challenge:

  • Implement Sales Analytics: Leverage sales analytics platforms and tools to gather, analyze, and visualize sales data. Use these insights to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, enabling data-driven decision making.

  • Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define and track relevant KPIs that align with your sales velocity goals. Regularly review and analyze these KPIs to monitor progress and make informed adjustments to your sales strategies.

Sales Velocity and Sales Team Performance

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve seen how a vibrant sales team’s drive and efficiency are the engines of sales velocity. Their skill in navigating the sales landscape not only propels their velocity but defines their growth.

Join me as we explore this synergy, drawing from my experiences where team dynamism directly fueled our clients ascent in sales velocity.

sales team presentation

1. Efficient Lead Management

Guiding customer sales teams, I’ve prioritized masterful lead management—swift follow-ups and strategic nurturing stand at the core of our strategy. We zero in on leads with the most promise, making sure they move through the sales funnel without delay.

Such a focused and diligent method has been key in enhancing the rate at which clients convert prospects into profitable outcomes, demonstrating the effectiveness of concentrated efforts.

2. Effective Sales Processes

Revolutionizing sales processes has transformed every client’s approach. Armed with a deep understanding of sales methodologies and employing streamlined techniques, we have significantly reduced the duration of sales cycles.

This focus on advancing leads with both precision and swiftness has elevated their ability to rapidly generate revenue, establishing new benchmarks for success.

3. Strong Sales Skills

The foundation of our clients success is rooted in their adeptness at sales—fostering solid relationships, deeply grasping customer needs, and formulating irresistible value propositions. 

This skill set allows them to expertly handle objections and close deals with greater efficiency, leading to a significant increase in win rates and enhancing the pace at which they achieve revenue goals.

4. Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

Promoting teamwork and the exchange of insights among members has significantly advanced our clients ability to close deals rapidly. Through pooling their expertise and capitalizing on individual strengths, they’ve cultivated a culture where excellence in sales becomes second nature. 

Such unity in purpose and action not only heightens their effectiveness in engaging customers but also quickens their stride towards achieving goals.

5. Motivation & Goal Orientation

The driving force behind client sales team success is their unwavering motivation and precise focus on objectives.

Establishing high benchmarks and persistently striving to meet them has fostered a culture of dedication, leading to more efficient sales cycles and an enhanced rate of closing deals. This fervor propels their sales teams toward continuous progress and accomplishment.

6. Continuous Learning & Development

Our unwavering commitment to ongoing education has been a cornerstone of our clients’ success. Embracing new skills and keeping abreast of evolving industry trends ensure they lead in sales innovation. 

This relentless pursuit of knowledge not only positions them as pioneers but also greatly accelerates their ability to close deals by continually refining sales strategies.

Sales Velocity and Technology

In today’s digital and virtual landscape, you have to harness technology to supercharge sales velocity.

The right tools (like Veloxy) don’t just streamline operations; they unlock insights that propel us forward. Join me as we delve into how technology is the linchpin in accelerating our journey towards peak sales performance.

veloxy working with Salesforce to improve sales velocity

1. CRM Systems

CRM systems like Salesforce are crucial for managing customer relationships, overseeing sales activities, and compiling a unified database of essential customer details.

Such systems enable sales teams to enhance lead management, monitor interactions with customers, and access critical insights regarding the sales pipeline. This comprehensive perspective allows for the effective prioritization of opportunities, tracking of sales advancements, and data-informed decision-making, thereby accelerating the pace of sales.

Integrating Veloxy with Salesforce CRM streamlines lead handling, interaction tracking, and the utilization of insights for more effective sales strategies, leading to quicker achievement of sales goals.

2. Sales Automation Tools

Sales automation tools are indispensable for reducing manual effort, optimizing workflows, and increasing sales efficiency. These tools encompass functionalities such as cold email automation, contact management, task automation, and proposal generation, streamlining key sales processes.

The adoption of automation allows sales teams to focus their energy on more strategic tasks by eliminating time-consuming activities. This shift not only speeds up the sales cycle but also enhances the overall effectiveness of sales operations.

Veloxy’s automation capabilities, including email follow-ups and contact management, free up sales teams to dedicate more time to meaningful interactions and strategies that significantly improve sales outcomes.

3. Sales Analytics & Reporting

Sales analytics tools are essential for delving into the nuances of sales performance, understanding the vitality of the sales pipeline, and decoding customer behaviors. Through the application of data visualization and sophisticated analytics, these platforms scrutinize essential sales metrics such as conversion and win rates, along with the duration of the sales cycle.

Engaging with these metrics allows for the identification of process inefficiencies, the refinement of sales strategies, and the enactment of knowledge-based decisions to enhance the rate of deal closures.

Veloxy’s analytics and reporting functionalities augment this process by pinpointing areas ripe for advancement, honing sales methodologies, and capitalizing on analytical insights to significantly improve sales outcomes.

4. Predictive Analytics and AI

Predictive analytics and AI have revolutionized the sales domain, equipping teams with the ability to use historical data, machine learning, and predictive models to foresee customer behaviors, identify leads with substantial potential, and effectively allocate their resources.

Leveraging these advanced technologies enables sales professionals to focus on the most promising opportunities, refining their approach to sales for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Veloxy harnesses the power of predictive analytics and Sales AI to discern leads of the highest value, streamline the prioritization of sales endeavors, and refine the sales process. This strategic focus on the most convertible leads significantly enhances the ability to close deals swiftly, propelling exceptional sales achievements.

5. Mobile Sales Tools

The advent of mobile sales tools has revolutionized how sales teams operate, enabling them to stay interconnected, collaborate smoothly, and interact with clients without barriers.

These innovative tools cover everything from mobile CRM applications to sales enablement platforms and communication technologies. Utilizing these allows for immediate access to vital customer information and sales materials, facilitating prompt and effective engagement with potential clients and smoothing the sales journey.

Veloxy’s mobile application offers sales personnel the flexibility to access important data, work in harmony with team members, and communicate with clients on-the-go. This capability ensures that sales professionals are always in the loop, can share information instantly, and keep the sales momentum going, enhancing the efficiency of closing deals.

Sales Velocity in Different Industries

My experience in field sales has shown me the unique ways this crucial metric emerges across various sectors, influenced by specific audiences, the duration of sales cycles, and the competitive landscape.

In this exploration, we will delve into these unique industry patterns, offering strategies designed to enhance your performance, informed by my extensive travels through diverse business terrains.

sales team presentation

1. Technology and Software

The technology and software sectors thrive on rapidly converting leads into growth while staying ahead in a competitive market. Effective onboarding, superior customer support, and utilizing feedback are key to speeding up transactions and enhancing market positioning in this dynamic industry.

2. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

In healthcare and pharmaceuticals, the pace of sales is uniquely challenged by regulatory landscapes and intricate purchase processes. Establishing robust networks, offering educational content, and showcasing product efficacy are crucial tactics for accelerating transactions and achieving growth.

3. Manufacturing and Industrial

In manufacturing and industrial markets, the efficiency of sales processes is affected by production timelines, product quality, and competitive pricing. Optimizing production, maintaining attractive pricing, and providing outstanding support are strategies that can significantly improve transaction rates.

4. B2B Sales

B2B companies are increasingly adopting strategies that automate lead generation, enabling their teams to concentrate on converting leads more swiftly and reducing time spent on acquisition, thereby streamlining the overall sales process.

5. B2C Sales

For B2C companies, quickly adapting to market trends and consumer needs is vital for staying competitive. Prompt responses to consumer demands, cultivating a strong brand reputation, and enhancing customer loyalty are fundamental in speeding up consumer transactions.

6. Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Small and mid-sized businesses, facing limitations in sales force size, find that speeding up their sales processes is crucial for rapid revenue growth and maintaining competitiveness. Emphasizing efficient sales strategies becomes a key driver for their success.

How Veloxy Can Help Improve Sales Velocity

At Veloxy, we have all the tools you need to drive more consistent revenue. Here are more details about our innovative solutions to drive revenue growth:

AI Sales Assistant

Our AI-powered sales assistant can help your sales team automate repetitive tasks so they can spend as much as 95% of their time on client interactions. This allows them to close more deals and help with client retention down the road. 

Salesforce Automation

Veloxy offers Salesforce integration so you can automatically update your Salesforce records and import data from all your devices. This allows your team to focus more on activities that drive revenue. 

Sales Analytics

Power your business with data-driven insights. Easily track sales data, prioritize leads, and determine how each client prefers to be contacted and when. This streamlines the sales process and allows you to turn more leads into sales. 

Email Marketing Solutions

Email marketing is a game changer for most businesses, allowing you to automate part of the selling process. Veloxy offers industry-leading tools that make it easier to set up and test campaigns, nurture leads more efficiently, and turn more leads into customers. 

On-Going Support and Resources

Veloxy is committed to providing its clients with the support and resources they need to navigate the ever-changing market, from our 24/7 customer support team to our efforts to add innovative new features to our platforms. This allows you to stay ahead of the curve and get the guidance you need. 

See How Veloxy Has Transformed the Sales Process for Our Clients

In the dynamic world of sales, where every second counts and performance is paramount, Veloxy stands out as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. Our clients’ experiences paint a vivid picture of transformation, where challenges in sales velocity are not just met but surpassed.

Below, we share three compelling testimonials that highlight the remarkable journey of acceleration and success our clients have embarked on with Veloxy. These stories are a testament to the power of harnessing the right tools to redefine the sales process and achieve unprecedented growth.

Try Veloxy for Free Today​

Give your business a competitive edge when you try Veloxy. Try it today to find out how our team can help you drive up to 200% more revenue into your business and shorten your revenue cycle.

Final Word on Sales Velocity

photo of sales velocity

In the dynamic world of sales, perfecting the pace at which deals are closed is pivotal for tapping into your full revenue capabilities. Witnessing a transformation in your sales process leads to shorter cycles, improved conversion rates, and significant revenue uplift.

This leap from ordinary to extraordinary is precisely what Veloxy facilitates. As your premier sales partner, Veloxy elevates this pace with its cutting-edge features and seamless integration, promising an unparalleled boost in your operations.

Gear up for an enhanced sales journey with Veloxy, where rapid progress, operational efficiency, and standout outcomes align. Transform your approach to achieve remarkable success, all with the support of Veloxy.

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Samir Majumdar

Samir Majumdar

Samir is the CEO and Co-founder of Veloxy. After spending 20+ years creating corporate systems, boosting revenue, and eliminating inefficiencies, Samir started Veloxy to help sales professionals shorten sales cycles, accelerate pipelines, and close more deals.

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