May, 2022

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The Five Root Causes of Poor Sales Results


It isn't easy to be a sales leader or a sales manager. There is an unrelenting need to create new opportunities, win new deals and the net new revenue that fuels a company's growth. There are a lot of variables to sales success, including the individuals in sales roles and the nature of their work. Two people in accounting in two different companies are not engaged in a contest to see which of them will win a third party's business, but this is exactly what salespeople do every day.

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Facilitating the B2B buyer journey


Statistics tell us that 50% of all non-technical graduates of four-year colleges will spend some career time as salespeople. There are over 4000 colleges and universities in the United States. Among them, only about 200 have more than two courses in selling or sales management.

B2B 144

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How to Write Outbound Sales Emails That Convert

Predictable Revenue

The best outbound sales emails all share a few common characteristics. This post will walk you through how to master each of these traits and increase your reply rates. The post How to Write Outbound Sales Emails That Convert appeared first on Predictable Revenue.

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10 rules for successful metaverse marketing


It was a balmy evening in the summer of 2006. A friend of mine had taken me to the house and home studio of Draxtor Despres, an award-winning documentarian, who I was interested in interviewing for a piece I was writing. Immediately I was smitten with this bespectacled, headphone-wearing character who spent much time puttering around his home studio cooking up creative projects.

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Building Your BI Strategy: How to Choose a Solution That Scales and Delivers

Speaker: Evelyn Chou

Choosing the right business intelligence (BI) platform can feel like navigating a maze of features, promises, and technical jargon. With so many options available, how can you ensure you’re making the right decision for your organization’s unique needs? 🤔 This webinar brings together expert insights to break down the complexities of BI solution vetting.

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Law Firm Grows Fourfold Using Ideas In The New Rules of Marketing & PR

David Meerman Scott

The most exciting aspect of my book The New Rules of Marketing & PR is I have the honor of showcasing some of the best examples of building successful marketing programs. There are more than 50 profiles throughout the book, many of them featuring the marketers’ own words from interviews with me.

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Gartner: Public Cloud Spending to Rise 20% Next Year to $500 Billion, SaaS to $200 Billion


Gartner, spending on SaaS: 2020: $120B 2021: $152B 2022: $177B 2023: $208B. Worry less about a few tweets, more about the opportunity ahead, and here right now. Go sell something — Jason BeKind Lemkin #???????????? (@jasonlk) May 26, 2022. So Gartner slices and dices its data a number of ways, but I find it invaluable to track enterprise and CIO sentiment.

B2C 138

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The questions we ask, shape the answers we get


In sales, we learn that questions are critical to our ability to understand our customers and how we might be most helpful. Questions, in addition to eliciting information, opinions and points of view; can enhance both the our customers knowledge and build their confidence in us.

Customers 140
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Managers, Our People Are Our Customers

Partners in Excellence

What if we applied the principles of high impact, value creating selling to our work with our own people? What if we started applying the principles we leverage to create differential advantage, customer experience which drive retention, renewal, and growing our customers to our people. We know some things about our customers: They don’t care about how much we talk about our success, who we are, and our companies.

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Why we care about AR and VR: A guide for marketers


If there ever were a golden word in marketing, it’d be evolution. As consumers access more advanced technology, old marketing strategies fail to impress them. This is why modern marketers need to adapt to the constantly changing media and technology landscape to appeal to customers. Two innovations marketers should stay abreast of are augmented and virtual reality devices.

Sports 139
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5 Steps to Grow Sales by 33% in 12 Months

Understanding the Sales Force

I'm a baseball guy and a die hard Boston Red Sox fan but I can't bear to watch them right now. They are playing the worst baseball since I was 10 years old so that's going back 55 years! It's not hard to understand why they are so bad because the data tells the story. Their stats show that as of May 9, 2022 their bullpen has 9 blown saves. Bullpens rarely blow 9 saves over a full season never mind over five weeks but if you look deeper, they wouldn't be in so many close games if their offense wa

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Beyond the Basics: How to Develop and Retain a Top-Performing Sales Team

Speaker: Brendan Sweeney, VP of Sales at Allego

Maximizing sales rep performance is no easy task. 📈 Traditional sales training methods focus heavily on the first few weeks in the sales role. Companies dedicate time, resources, and budget to onboarding new hires, only for them to forget what was learned in those first few weeks, lose motivation, and struggle to come to grips with their role.

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SaaS Multiples Are At a 3+ Year Low. Where It Goes From Here.


So the public markets are in tumult. Many SaaS and Cloud leaders are down more than 50% from their all-time highs. But Covid did create a lot of artificial demand for Cloud products, especially the lockdown phase. The boosts Zoom (can’t go to the office anymore), Shopify (can’t go to a store anymore) were real, but could never be sustained.

Finance 133
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Willing Yourself to Do Work You Avoid


I was thirteen years old and just starting high school when a friend asked me if I wanted to go to work washing dishes at a big Italian banquet center. His mother had taken a job there and the owner mentioned they need dishwashers. I jumped at the chance to make money, and I was paid $3.35 per hour. The family that owned the business also fed me prime rib, lasagna, and chocolate mousse.

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The Surprising Way to Boost Your Sales Team’s Morale

Engage Selling

Want to boost your sales team’s morale? I don’t blame you. Let’s face it, the top sales teams have no shortage of morale on their side. When you picture a … Read More. The post The Surprising Way to Boost Your Sales Team’s Morale first appeared on Colleen Francis - The Sales Leader.

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Sales Enablement, The Sound Of One Hand Clapping

Partners in Excellence

Again, I have to start this post with an apology. I’m a huge fan of sales enablement and some of the outstanding sales enablement practitioners who I count as friends. I think, however, one of the biggest problems with sales enablement is not what they do, or the quality of the programs they develop. I think one of the biggest problems with sales enablement comes from outside the organization, with sales executive leadership and front line management.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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4 strategies to help marketing teams improve workflow and collaboration


There’s nothing virtual about the sea change marketing teams have experienced in the last two years. The fact that marketers are working remotely over digital channels is a very concrete reality calling for new approaches to workflow. Here are four tactics to help your team adapt. Improve visibility and centralize. Virtual meetings, chat apps, automated calendars and workflow management software all became necessary to bring together teams from remote workspaces.

Territory 135
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3 Keys to Targeting Online Communities

Heinz Marketing

By Win Salyards , Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing. Targeting professional online communities for your ad campaign through LinkedIn, Reddit, or specialized sites like Stack Overflow can have great success. Still, there are some key things to consider when choosing communities to target as well as how you target them. Here are 3 key things to consider: Is it relevant?

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Transform Your Prospects Into A High Performing Sales Team

Predictable Revenue

Tom Burton joins the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to transform prospects into your own top performing sales team. The post Transform Your Prospects Into A High Performing Sales Team appeared first on Predictable Revenue.

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The 7-Step Sales Prospecting Process to Close Any Deal


Sales prospecting is essential, but it can be challenging. Surveyed sales professionals even ranked prospecting as more demanding than closing. So, do you need a sales prospecting process, or can you just follow your gut and see what sticks?

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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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21 Data-Backed Sales Skills Every Top Performer Needs

RAIN Group

There’s simply not enough time in the day to focus on every essential skill needed to succeed in sales. While sales teams must prioritize skills development, it’s important to identify which skills could have the biggest impact on your sales results.

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Enabling Our Customers To Feel Good About Themselves And What They Are Doing

Partners in Excellence

I wrote, People Buy From People, focusing on the importance of human based engagement as a wake up call to the overwhelming trend to depersonalize the relationship. In comments on the post, Larry Levine and Brent Adamson added some fascinating and important insights (though I struggle with the concept of Brent creating insights–it just doesn’t seem to be him.

Customers 119
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Customer Engagement Shift | Sales Strategies

Engage Selling

????? I recently came across some interesting research from Gartner on the customer engagement shift. They discovered that when a customer is buying a brand new solution, they prefer online … Read More. The post Customer Engagement Shift | Sales Strategies first appeared on Colleen Francis - The Sales Leader.

Customers 116
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?The Next Evolution of Sales

Sandler Training

Inspired by the transformation that we’ve all seen firsthand in the sales industry over the last few years – from the disruptions of virtual selling and remote work to innovative companies and technologies bringing new alignment between buyers and sellers – Sandler is excited to announce our commitment to further champion the next evolution of… The post ?

Sales 119
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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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Creandum Ventures: VCs Don’t Help Enough in Recruiting. And VC Brands Are Overrated.


So Creandum, one of Europe’s leading VC firms (and they’ll be speaking at 2022 in Barcelona on June 7-8 ) updated its report on What Founders Really Want from VCs , and if VCs add value: The data is interesting: Only 30% of founders think their VCs have been helpfu l. That sounds about right. VCs aren’t helping enough in recruiting, not for real. 69% of VCs they are making a difference in recruiting, but 79% of founders say they aren’t.

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You Already Know Your Client's Problems


Some salespeople argue that there is no way to know what problems, challenges, or obstacles a client might have before speaking to them. This misguided belief often comes from training, and it indicates the salesperson may be One-Down. While some find it difficult to accept, the truth is that you should know where your client has problems and needs better results—without even asking.

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Sales Power Tip - Homeostasis

Score More Sales

The full title for this post should be, "You Gotta Knock them Off Their Homeostasis". This was a tip I learned from my favorite manager of my 21 sales managers over my selling career - a former IBM top sales rep and leader who would say this so.

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Rethinking Insights

Partners in Excellence

Everything in selling today is about “Insight.” But we make insights more complicated than they need be. We tend to think that insights are game changing things we can tell customers. Whether it’s industry/market data, things that are happening in the industry, observations about what is happening with their customers or competitors; we believe we need to make a statement or take a position.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Metaverse marketers favor virtual reality over NFTs


Marketers who have the metaverse on their roadmap are veering toward virtual reality (VR), while still trying to crack the NFT conundrum, according to a study just out from social media management software company Sprout Social. In a survey of 500 marketers, the report found that, overall, 24% plan to drop some kind of campaign in the metaverse in the next year.

Niche 123
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Your Unapplied Knowledge Is a Waste of Everything!

Engage Selling

Don’t let unapplied knowledge destroy your sales team! I talk a lot about how the sales landscape today is completely different from just a few years ago…and that there’s no … Read More. The post Your Unapplied Knowledge Is a Waste of Everything! first appeared on Colleen Francis - The Sales Leader.

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Bessemer: $1 Trillion in Cloud Market Cap Lost Year-to-Date


There are many ways to slice-and-dice public market data, but the headline one Bessemer called out is the most visceral I’ve seen: Public SaaS and Cloud companies lost $1 Trillion in market cap so far in 2022. And the number of public SaaS and Cloud decacorns has fallen from 50 to 17. This puts a lot of pressure on all the private unicorns out there: We did a deeper dive on decacorns here.

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The One-Up Discovery


The major difference between One-Up salespeople and those presently One-Down is that the One-Up person creates a tremendous value inside the sales conversation, while the One-Down salesperson's approach feels like a waste of time.

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How To Speak The Language Of Financial Success In Product Management

Speaker: Jamie Bernard

Success in product management goes beyond delivering great features - it’s about achieving measurable financial outcomes that resonate across the organization. By connecting your product’s journey with the company’s financial success, you’ll ensure that every feature, release, and innovation contributes to the bottom line, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.