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    Podcast - People, Methodology, and Strategy with Prima Resource

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    For the 50th episode of the podcast, we welcome our guests Fred Lucas and Jon Lucas from Prima Resource. Together, we explore the challenges of hiring salespeople and the importance of using tools and data to predict sales performance. Tune in to hear about their personal experiences with hiring and the crucial role of instinct and experience in the process.

    Building a Great Sales Team (17:07)

    This chapter explores the topic of building a successful sales team. We discuss the three key levers that contribute to a strong sales team: people, methodology, and strategy. We emphasize the importance of having a well-defined sales process and a playbook that outlines specific questions and best practices for sales conversations. We also touch on the crucial role of recruiting and onboarding the right salespeople, as well as creating a supportive environment and culture for the team. We stress the significance of gaining market share as the ultimate measure of a sales team's success.


    Motivational Preferences and Personal Development (36:56)

    This chapter explores the topic of motivation in the workplace, emphasizing that it goes beyond monetary incentives. We discuss the importance of understanding individual motivations and creating a connection between personal and professional goals. We highlight the need for managers to have a more nuanced approach to motivation, rather than a black and white view. The conversation also touches on the process of creating a personal development plan to align individual goals with compensation. Overall, we emphasize the importance of recognizing and catering to different motivational preferences in order to drive success in the workplace.



    Leadership's Impact on Sales Performance (40:46)

    This chapter explores the challenges of sales management and the three key components of effective sales management: structure, motivation, and strategy. The hosts discuss the flaws of the traditional leaderboard system and the importance of individual coaching and leadership in managing a sales team. They also highlight the impact of a manager's role on personal growth and development. The chapter concludes with a promise to continue the discussion on strategy in a future episode.

    Paul Fuller
    Published December 20, 2023
    By Paul Fuller

    Paul Fuller’s stated mission is to help others maximize their gifts by using his.
    Paul has been a pioneer in the sales process and training, sales as a service, content marketing and CRM. As a previous founder and owner of multiple successful growth organizations in these spaces, Paul has effectively trained and led sales and marketing teams across the world to focus on and achieve dynamic growth.

    He firmly believes sales is defined best in three categories:

    • Service - helping other get what they need

    • Leadership - guiding others toward their vision

    • Wayfinding - navigating the path to success together

    He is firmly committed to elevating the sales profession through coaching, leading, and empowering others through systems that enable strong performance.

    Currently Paul leads revenue growth at - the top sales effectiveness CRM in the world. Working with his team, and a group of over 100 top sales consultant organizations across the globe, they are focused at creating scalable growth through sales excellence in companies and teams in over 80 countries.

    Schedule a call with him here.

    Find out more about Paul Fuller on LinkedIn