Amazon plans to add generative AI to its search experience

Amazon is planning an AI initiative to reshape the future of search on the platform, according to recent job postings.

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Amazon is hiring – with the goal of making generative AI part of its product search experience.

Job details. Amazon is searching for promising talent in software engineering and search marketing to reimagine search and create a seamless experience on their ecommerce platform. According to Amazon’s listing:

  • “This will be a once in a generation transformation for Search.”

Reinventing Amazon search. Amazon also wants to create “a new AI-first initiative to re-architect and reinvent the way we do search through the use of extremely large scale next-generation deep learning techniques,” according to the job description, as reported by Bloomberg.

Why we care. Amazon is the go-to product search engine. This means brands, marketers and sellers should watch developments around Amazon’s product search, as changes could significantly impact how products are found and purchased.

What Amazon is saying. Amazon’s spokesperson Keri Bertolino declined to speak with Bloomberg but wrote in an email, “We are significantly investing in generative AI across all of our businesses.”

This is true. We recently reported on how Amazon is working on AI tools to generate videos, images for advertisers.

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About the author

Karina Sarango
Karina Sarango was our marketing intern at Third Door Media throughout 2022-2023. Karina received her bachelors in Media Communications and gained experience in SEO, copywriting, and digital marketing throughout her post-grad career. She is now undergoing a fellowship program with Verizon.

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