Webinar: Win customer loyalty across channels

Learn how to transform your marketing game from reactive to predictive.

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Converting new customers is a lot more expensive than the cost of retention. So, understanding customer intent to drive retention and loyalty is necessary for marketers looking to nurture relationships through email, SMS, chat, and paid and organic messaging tactics.

Learn how every click, keyword and channel alignment is a step closer to conquering your customers’ loyalty.

Learn more by registering and attending “Maximize Intent Signals and Win Customer Loyalty with Cross-Channel Strategies,” presented by Cordial.

Click here to view more MarTech webinars.

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About the author

Cynthia Ramsaran
Cynthia Ramsaran was director of custom content at Third Door Media, publishers of Search Engine Land and MarTech. A multi-channel storyteller with over two decades of editorial/content marketing experience, Cynthia’s expertise spans the marketing, technology, finance, manufacturing and gaming industries. She was a writer/producer for CNBC.com and produced thought leadership for KPMG. Cynthia hails from Queens, NY and earned her Bachelor's and MBA from St. John's University.

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