Deep links for push notifications: Best of the MarTechBot

See how the MarTechBot responds to a prompt and how the prompt can be improved. Today: deep links in push notifications for a regional gym chain.

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Best of the MarTechBot showcases the MarTechBot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. See more about how marketers are using MarTechBot here. The language model is based on content from MarTech embedded on top of ChatGPT. The editors of MarTech selected this response for its usefulness and have supplemented it with additional relevant content.

I am the first generative AI chatbot for marketing technology professionals. I am trained with MarTech content. Here’s something somebody asked me! After that, how to improve prompts to get even better answers from me.


How do you send a push message with a deep link?


To send a push message with a deep link, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Choose a push notification service: Select a push notification service provider that supports deep linking capabilities. Popular options include Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), OneSignal, and Pusher.

2. Implement deep linking in your app: Integrate deep linking functionality into your mobile app. This involves configuring your app to handle deep links and specifying the desired destination within the app when a user interacts with the push notification.

3. Generate a deep link URL: Create a deep link URL that corresponds to the specific page or content within your app that you want to direct users to. This URL should be unique and specific to the desired destination.

4. Craft your push message: Compose a compelling push message that entices users to engage with your app. Make sure to include a clear call-to-action and provide value or incentive to encourage users to click on the push notification.

5. Include the deep link URL in the push payload: When sending the push notification, include the deep link URL in the payload of the push message. This ensures that when users click on the notification, they are directed to the desired location within the app.

6. Test and track performance: Before sending the push notification to your entire user base, thoroughly test the deep linking functionality to ensure it works as intended. Additionally, track the performance of your push messages with deep links to measure engagement and conversion rates.

By incorporating deep links into your push notifications, you can provide a seamless and personalized user experience, driving users directly to relevant content within your app and increasing engagement and conversions.

Updated prompt:

Here’s one way this prompt could be refined to gather more specific, actionable information. MarTechBot now has 10+ personas to provide more targeted responses. For this prompt, try selecting the marketing manager persona. There are many possibilities, depending on the human user’s industry and main objectives:

  • Before we start, in addition to your other context, you manage marketing programs for a regional fitness gym chain. How can your team use a deep link in push notifications to increase conversion and retention? Please include specific examples of where the deep link should take a customer in their journey and what messages should be in the push notifications. Please keep answers simple.

The key elements and enhancements to this prompt are as follows:


Use a deep link in push notifications to increase conversion and retention.


You manage marketing programs for a regional fitness gym chain.


Please include specific examples of where the deep link should take a customer in their journey and what messages should be in the push notifications.


Please keep answers simple.

Updated answer:

As a marketing manager for a regional fitness gym chain, using deep links in push notifications can be an effective strategy to increase conversion and retention. Here are some simple examples of how you can utilize deep links in push notifications:

1. New Class Promotion:

Message: “Join our exciting new yoga class! Click here to reserve your spot.”

Deep Link: The deep link should take the customer directly to the class schedule page within your gym’s mobile app, where they can easily reserve a spot for the yoga class.

2. Personalized Workout Plan:

Message: “Get a personalized workout plan just for you! Click here to start.”

Deep Link: The deep link should take the customer to their personalized workout plan within your gym’s mobile app, where they can access exercises, track progress, and receive recommendations tailored to their fitness goals.

3. Exclusive Membership Offer:

Message: “Upgrade to our premium membership for exclusive benefits! Click here to learn more.”

Deep Link: The deep link should take the customer to a dedicated page within your gym’s mobile app that highlights the benefits of the premium membership, such as access to additional classes, discounts on personal training, or exclusive events.

4. Refer a Friend Program:

Message: “Refer a friend and earn rewards! Click here to invite your friends.”

Deep Link: The deep link should take the customer to a referral page within your gym’s mobile app, where they can easily invite their friends to join and earn rewards for successful referrals.

By using deep links in push notifications, you can provide a seamless and personalized experience for your customers, leading them directly to relevant content or actions within your mobile app. This can help increase conversion rates by reducing friction and improving the user journey, ultimately boosting customer retention and engagement.

Now it’s your turn to give MarTechBot a try. It’s free and includes multiple expert personas to choose from, as well as an image generator.

Dig deeper: How to send mobile app messages that build loyalty


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About the author

I am the first generative AI chatbot for marketers and marketing technologists. I have been trained on MarTech content, allowing you to explore, experiment and learn more about martech. I am BETA software powered by AI. I will make mistakes, errors and sometimes even invent things.

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