
The Impact of Direct Dials on Sales Productivity


To understand the importance of direct dials, you need to understand connect rates. Often, sales reps who fail to hit the phones hard are left wondering how they missed their quota. While dialing away at targeted prospects, it’s important for them to remember that not all sales outreach is created equal. Take the following stats into consideration: It takes 5 minutes to connect with a prospect via direct dials, but takes 22 minutes using company switchboard numbers.

3 Mistakes Organizations Make While Developing ABM Programs


The benefits of Account-Based Marketing are clear, so what’s holding B2B professionals back? While B2B research suggests organizations are thriving through successful ABM programs, getting just one campaign off the ground is more difficult than it seems. From building an account universe to understanding to orchestrating sales and marketing alignment around touchpoint and messaging, there are a number of variables to consider before launching a program.

Buyer’s Checklist: How to Evaluate a B2B Contact Data Provider


Leveraging a data provider to help identify and connect with qualified prospects supports company revenue goals by alleviating common headaches associated with prospecting research and empowers sales productivity. So what’s the problem? Many organizations fail to properly evaluate vendors during the selection process. Download ZoomInfo’s data-driven eBook for guidance on effectively assessing the vendor marketplace.

Forrester Research Report: How Sales and Marketing Intelligence Drive Improved Business Outcomes


Fact: Only 8% of sales and marketing professionals say their data is between 91% - 100% accurate. In 2019, DiscoverOrg commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate sales and marketing intelligence practices in the B2B space. The primary takeaway? Forrester found “only 1.2% of companies achieved a score indicating maturity in data management practices in the space.".

How to Overcome the Pain Points of Your CRM


It’s no secret, only 13% of salespeople are satisfied with their CRM. The promise of a CRM ( customer relationship management ) led organizations to believe each could digitally transform its businesses through tracking touchpoints throughout the buyer’s journey. When used effectively, a CRM can be the lifeblood of your sales team – keeping everyone organized, efficient, and at peak productivity.

How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach


Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

The State of XaaS Sales 2022

Technology as a service (XaaS), sold on a subscription basis, is rapidly becoming the dominant go-to-market model in the industry. Many companies have been on a journey to transform and optimize their sales organizations for XaaS, but the clock is ticking, and the runway for making these changes is shortening. Even companies who are already down the path to transformation, or were “born in the cloud,” will need to change in order to succeed in a world where simply offering their products on a su

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