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Effective Sales Meeting Strategies

Anthony Cole Training

Every salesperson has attended sales meetings and left thinking “Why do I have to go to these meetings? Attendees to sales meetings should leave the meeting thinking: They are a waste of time and not helping me get better at selling.” Sales leaders and managers must own and address this problem.

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Five Rules to Ensure a Second Meeting


Several companies with revenues measured in billions confessed that the size of their company makes it easy for their salespeople to acquire a first meeting , however, many of them cannot get a second meeting.

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The Price of a Meeting


A recent LinkedIn post included a screenshot of a Google calendar invitation for a “Very Important Meeting ” at Shopify. Under the attendee list was the estimated cost of the meeting, $2,115. The person who posted the image doesn’t like meetings, suggesting that people should use their time to do other things.

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The Second Meeting: Syncing Value and Needs


There are several things making it more challenging to acquire a first meeting , like the overwhelming volume of emails, voicemails, and other messages your contacts receive. The upside of having data on your strategic clients is that you speed up your ability to contact them for a meeting.

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How ZoomInfo Helps Overcome the Top Pain Points of Inside Sales

How can sales organizations meet the buyer along the journey at the perfect time? With more access to user reviews, analyst opinion, and industry research, decision-makers are more informed than ever while navigating what is now known as the “buyer’s journey.”. Download this eBook to find out!

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Structured for Success: Sales Meetings That Boost Accountability


Your meetings should boost accountability, while also helping salespeople see what is possible and what it takes. You cannot enforce accountability among your staff without reviewing the outcomes each member of your team self-reports.

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The New Sales Meeting Agenda


In the past, the salesperson would call their prospective client and ask for a meeting. The value proposition for the meeting would be "to share a little about us, how we are helping companies like yours, and learn about you and your company." This was the cold calling script, and believe it or not, it worked. Until it didn't.

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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

More meetings. Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer.

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100 Pipeline Plays: The Modern Sales Playbook

Meet your modern sales playbook - See how high-performing sales and marketing teams increase pipeline year-over-year. For the first time, we’re sharing the winning plays that took us from scrappy startup to a publicly traded company. Use our proven data-driven plays to grow your pipeline and crush your revenue targets.

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Cold Calling Tips and Tricks

In fact, less than 2% of today’s cold calls actually result in meetings, and 63% of sales professionals say it’s what they dislike most about their jobs. In recent years, cold calling has become synonymous with rejection and failure.

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Intent Signal Data 101

Which type of intent data is best for meeting specific goals? This infographic clarifies three common areas of confusion: How does company-level and contact-level data differ? What exactly is first-party, second-party and third-party data?

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable.

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Essential Guide to Sales Engagement – Overcome the Challenges of Remote Selling

Effective meeting engagement tips - pre, during and after. In this guide, we will show you how to elevate your sellers’ results and provide you with insights and tips that will also benefit the rest of your customer-facing organization. You will learn: What sales engagement is. Effective communication techniques.

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The Impact of Direct Dials on Sales Productivity

Leveraging the latest industry research, this eBook highlights the impact of direct dial phone numbers on sales productivity with the goal of empowering reps to have more conversations with prospects, and consequently, schedule more meetings, increase opportunities, and close more business - fast.

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Roadblocks to Delivering a Competitive Buying Experience

Trying to communicate the value of their solution in a way that meets buyers’ wants, needs, and expectations, all while meeting their own goals and those of their organization, can sometimes seem nearly impossible. Buyers struggle with being overwhelmed, indecision, and trusting the information that’s presented to them.