Sat.Feb 24, 2024 - Fri.Mar 01, 2024

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Why Hiring a Fractional Sales Manager Can Drive Sales Results

Anthony Cole Training

Running a company is very different than managing a sales team, so you need someone skilled in the specific strengths of coaching and motivating your sales team. Companies have choices and often it makes sense to hunt, interview, hire and pay for a full-time sales manager, but this is a position very difficult to fill. It will take time, money, lots of effort and then onboarding to your systems, people and culture.

Niche 275
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Sales Success: Master the Art of Consultative Selling and Outshine Your Competition


It can be challenging to convey the point I've been making since the publication of Elite Sales Strategies: A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating Value, and Becoming Truly Consultative. One way to express this idea is that your client should make the decision you would make if your contacts asked you to make the decision for them. To achieve this, you would need to equip them with what they need to make that decision through the sales conversation, including your experience.

Consult 240

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You Have Solutions, But Do I Have The Problem?

Partners in Excellence

I had a fascinating conversation with an outstanding sales person today. We were talking about his prospecting challenges. Like all of us, he was struggling to get the engagement he wanted. Let’s call him “Stephen.” We talked about some of his strategies. He was very focused on the customers and people he was prospecting. He leveraged trade shows to meet people, then followed up with prospecting notes.

Pitch 135
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Why B2B marketing needs brand building more than lead gen


B2B marketing has become overly focused on measurement and attribution, appearing and claiming to be more science than art. Everyone wants to believe it’s a science. Investors, boards and leadership expect marketing growth to be measurable, predictable and projectable. But the truth is that marketing is not a hard science. Experiments are not repeatable and playbooks are not fully transferable between companies.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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New Google structured data carousels (beta)

Search Engine Land

Google has added new search developer documentation for structured data carousels (beta). The new documentation can be found here and is under the “early adopters program.” This structured data is for a new carousel rich result that’s in beta, “which is a list-like rich result that people can scroll horizontally to see more entities from a given site (also known as a host carousel),” Google wrote.

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Mastering Sales Leadership: 10 Essential Tactics to Crush Distractions and Elevate Your Team's Result


Sales Leaders' Focus: Enhancing Sales Force Performance and Achieving Sales Goals Sales leaders need to focus on their sales force, their results, and their sales goals. But like other leadership roles, you are going to face distractions that will find you spending more time and energy on things that contribute nothing to your results. Many of these distractions result from too little focus on your team, their activity, and their results.

Sales 205

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25 Sales Experts on the Importance of Coaching Salespeople

Understanding the Sales Force

According to the search results inside this blog, I have written on the topic of coaching salespeople more than 400 times or 25% of my articles. Why? Because sales managers are not coaching – still – at least not consistently or effectively. As a reminder, consistent daily coaching increases revenue by 28% and when it is paired with effective coaching, revenue increases by 43%.

Sales 133
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Google Ads will automatically start pausing ad groups with low activity

Search Engine Land

Google Ads will automatically start pausing ad groups with low activity. From March 11, ads groups created at least 13 months ago and have not had impressions in the past 13 months will be paused to improve budget efficiency for advertisers. The rollout is expected to take just over seven weeks, with completion for all production Google Ads accounts by April 30.

Campaign 135
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A List of Failure Points in B2B Sales Conversations


There are several potential failure points in B2B sales conversations , and sales leaders pursuing net new revenue will need to address them to reach their sales goals and targets. Every salesperson may have different failure points that require development through B2B sales training or coaching. Left unaddressed, the failure points will cause the salesperson to lose deals that they might have won.

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“My Obsession To Provide Customer Value,” Christian Mauer

Partners in Excellence

Introduction: Several weeks ago, I wrote, “ Sellers, Are You Really Interested In Selling? ” My good friend, Christian Mauer , challenged me, “Dave, why are you so interested in selling?” It was a great question and he caused me to reflect, I wrote, “ Why I Am Obsessed With Selling. ” At the same time, I challenged Christian and others to answer the same question.

Customers 124
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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The B2B case for retention marketing: 7 key tactics


Customer retention is becoming more of a priority for B2B marketers lately. As buying shifts online and marketing takes on some traditional sales roles, retaining existing customers is essential for driving growth and profits. Luckily, B2B retention marketing differs significantly from consumer retention efforts that rely heavily on discounts and perks.

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Google unveils major Search Partner Network update as it removes opt-out option

Search Engine Land

Google is giving advertisers more control over ad placement within the Search Partner Network. From March 4, advertisers using Performance Max will have access to impression-level placement reporting of Search Partner Network sites. Additionally, if you exclude certain ad placements at the account level, it will now apply to the Search Partner Network, as well as YouTube and display ads, according to Ad Age.

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B2B Sales: Mastering the Buyer’s Journey with Unconventional Wisdom


Imagine you are responsible for surveying the entire population of buyers to assess where they are in their buyer’s journey. With just over 33,000,000 companies in the United States, how would you go about this project? How would you figure out what companies are buying and what they need now? This would be an impossible task because, each day, the situation for millions of companies changes faster than you could collect the information.

B2B 199
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Traits of an Elite Seller

Force Management

Leading your organization to sustained revenue growth begins by honing your greatest asset: your talent. Every organization has its top performers, and usually others within the ranks hold the potential to become elite. When organizations invest in the learning, coaching, and development needed to level-up each team and player, they give themselves a competitive advantage at every touch-point in the customer journey.

Growth 107
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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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How influencers and content creators are reshaping brand strategies


Content creators and influencers are now achieving the same level of engagement once reserved for traditional advertising methods like billboards, print ads and TV commercials. They’re captivating millions with content that deeply connects with their followers. Influencer and creator marketing is becoming the mainstay for brands aiming to reach their audience where they are: online and engaged in a two-way conversation.

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How one Google featured snippet is killing commercial list-based content

Search Engine Land

Recent Google scandals have raised concerns about search result fairness , accuracy , transparency and the ethics of big brands’ dominance. This article explores how these factors collide by examining Google’s use of search engine results page (SERP) list-based features to further their monetary gains while going against their own content guidelines and advice.

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9 Questions B2B Sales Leaders Must Answer 2024


9 Questions B2B Sales Leaders Must Answer Why isn’t improving B2B sales effectiveness your most important initiative? Over the last two decades, many sales leaders have chased every shiny object that was put in front of them. Many of these distractions are technological, and others are fads that have no ability to improve your sales team’s effectiveness.

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How Revenue Multiples Really Fall After Each VC Round


So Michael Ho did an analysis here of Carta valuation data in a way that IMHO visualizes in a way so many founders miss. And misunderstand. At the end of the day, the top SaaS companies IPO and end up trading at “standard” ARR multiples. Today, on average that’s about 6x. Not great, but it is what it is. But they don’t start there. Seed rounds can’t really be done at 6x ARR typically.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How to build trust and loyalty in retail with reception marketing


The consumer experience has fully evolved from anonymously transactional to personally helpful. Retail brands must seamlessly mesh into and be present throughout the customer journey to remain useful to consumers. They must provide real value in the right place at the right time. Consumers make purchase decisions largely based on their online research, not necessarily on product packaging, benefits or customer service.

Retail 109
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How Google Search Generative Experience is impacting ads

Search Engine Land

The impact of Google’s Search Generative Experience on ads within Google’s SERPs has been explored in a new study. Research conduct by SEO platform SE Ranking found that: Regardless of SGE snippet presence, ads appear more often at the bottom of search results. Ads at the top of the SERP accompany SGE snippets more often than shopping ads (carousels).

Niche 133
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Evolution of a Sales Professional: Key Strategies for Growth, Skill Enhancement, and Achieving Sales Excellence


You can’t improve your ability to sell by reading a book. Learning to sell requires you to sell. This is very much like learning to swim. You may have learned to swim by being thrown in the deep end of the pool. Similarly, you may have learned to sell by being thrust into the deep end where, instead of feeling as though you were drowning, you felt ill-equipped for the sales conversation and lacked the business acumen that would have enhanced your performance.

Growth 179
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Dear SaaStr: What Is The Best Indicators of Product Market Fit at an Early Stage SaaS B2B Startup?


Dear SaaStr: What Is The Best Indicators of Product Market Fit at an Early Stage SaaS B2B Startup? This is a rough metric, but I’d say from experience working closely with 25+ SaaS companies … if you aren’t growing > 10% a month after $10k in MRR or so … then you don’t yet have product-market fit. Not yet at least. One way or another, every reasonably fast-growing SaaS company hits double-digit growth, for a while.

B2B 109
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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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MarTech in 2024 Part II: Who will be the winners and losers in the consulting and research and advisory worlds?


In the last article we looked at who would win and who would lose in the enterprise and vendor community in 2024 with AI on the horizon. In this article we’ll look at the martech consulting organizations that serve the enterprise technology user community and the research and advisory firms that serve both enterprise technology users and vendors. Consulting organizations There are a wide variety of consultancies specializing in delivering marketing and sales technology-related services, from sma

Consult 107
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How to make your AI-generated content sound more human

Search Engine Land

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can create content, but it doesn’t always sound natural. The content can come across as dull or robotic without the right guidance. Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to make AI-written text more human-like, engaging and fun to read. This article will explore ways to get more life-like, conversational content from AI.

Niche 132
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Challenges in B2B Sales: The Trouble with the Middle Game


Booking a first meeting can often be challenging. You either pass the audition or fail to create enough value to be considered as a potential supplier. If you pass your audition, after the second meeting is where things can get messy for many salespeople. This is the middle game, the meetings and conversations that occur after the first and second meetings, and before the end game.

Gaming 157
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Remember, When A New Hire Doesn’t Work Out — It’s Always Your Fault


So this is a simple post, in some ways, but I think an important one for leaders. These days, it seems like even more folks are quitting, not working out, etc. etc. We all saw the Cloudflare sales rep on social media not work out. And there were so many comments, thoughts, and more. It reminded me of a golden rule it took me years and years to figure out: If a new hire doesn’t work out, it’s always 100% your fault What do I mean?

Education 107
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5 Inspiring B2B Marketing Campaigns to Take Yours to the Next Level

Your next big B2B marketing idea starts here. Get inspired with these five successful B2B marketing campaigns. Ready to generate more leads, interest, and revenue with your B2B marketing? In this comprehensive eBook, you’ll get: In-depth studies of five successful B2B marketing campaigns spanning a wide range of industries Key takeaways and lessons from each story to implement in your own strategy Resources to help your own B2B marketing thrive By submitting this form, you agree to have your con

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3 tips to maximize your martech stack’s value


“Do more with less” is a popular theme in marketing today. I cringe every time I hear this phrase because it usually means one of two things: Reduction of headcount with no reduction in expected results. Reduction of budget with no reduction in expected results. Including this phrase in your 2024 marketing plan deck may prompt at least one team member to start job hunting.

Contract 108
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Google Ads Editor version 2.6 launches with 8 new features

Search Engine Land

Google has rolled out its Ads Editor version 2.6, with eight new features and updates for advertisers to utilize to improve the efficiency of their campaigns. Below is a breakdown of what’s new. New Features: Google Display ads to Performance Max migration. Editor now supports the migration of Display campaigns to Performance Max campaigns. PMax migration with experiments.

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Leading & Sustaining a Hyper-Growth Company

Sales Gravy

On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount sits down with KaTom CEO Patricia Bible to discuss what it takes to lead and sustain a hyper-growth company. Reflecting on her journey with KaTom, Patricia shared insights into the exponential growth of this hyper-growth organization. "It's been a whirlwind of achievements, challenges, and invaluable lessons," she remarked.

Growth 96
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Dear SaaStr: What’s The Number One Challenge for Scale-Up Stage Founders?


Dear SaaStr: What’s The Number One Challenge for Scale-Up Stage Founders? In SaaS, once you have even a few million in ARR, the #1 challenge is recruiting top-tier VPs and building a truly top-tier management team: SaaS products mostly don’t sell themselves. You can hack managing and finding 1–3 reps yourself, but after that, you really need a VP of Sales.

Cold Call 104
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2 Retail Sectors That Are Completely Changing the Game: FMCG & Q-Commerce

Speaker: Joe Heather, Deliverect GM (UK&I) & Noah Hayes, Deliverect GM (US&CA)

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Quick Commerce (Q-commerce) are two vibrant sectors that have undergone significant transformations with the advancements in digital technology. With growing internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphones, consumers' purchasing habits have unsurprisingly evolved. They now demand quick, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences, which both FMCG and Q-commerce sectors strive to provide.