Sat.May 06, 2023 - Fri.May 12, 2023

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Free Basic Sales Training: Kick Off Your Sales Career with 8 Key Tips


Seventy-five percent of sales hires fail in their first year.

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Your Next Salesforce Exam: 5 Key Tips


Which Salesforce exam should I take next? Where should I take my next exam? How should I prepare for my next Salesforce exam? Hot Tip: How should I tackle the exam itself? Pass or fail – we always learn Since beginning my Salesforce journey in 2012, I’ve sat for many Salesforce exams and earned 20 Salesforce certifications. I’m now a Certified Instructor!


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What Artificial Intelligence Means for Sales Enablement


It was an ordinary Tuesday afternoon in the 2000s when I first picked up an iPhone. As I played with the touchscreen, the realization hit me that this was more than just a new piece of tech. I had the future in my hand. Over the past two decades, major breakthroughs have revolutionized the way people interact with electronic devices, each other, and the world.

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6 Strategies for Building a Successful Sales Team

Sales Pop!

In business, a successful sales team can make all the difference. Creating high-performing sales reps means supplying them with everything they require to reach their objectives, from motivation and professional growth. A well-functioning sales team can help a company generate revenue, acquire new customers, and stay ahead of the competition. Building a successful sales team requires the right talent, strategy, and leadership.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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7 Things All Founders Should Know About Sales with Dave Kellogg (Video)


One of the most essential things SaaS founders need to get right is their sales strategy. From day one, it’s critical to drive results to impress your investors, acquire customers, and set your sales team up for success. Dave Kellogg –– Independent Consultant, EIR at Balderton Capital, and author of the Kellblog –– knows a thing or two about successful sales.

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Mastering Credibility, The Key to Winning Sales Trust


One reason salespeople fail to win clients is because they have a difficult time building sales trust. Business acumen is a larger variable than most salespeople suspect, and when a contact senses it is lacking, they look elsewhere for help. Most sales organizations believe they are consultative, but few of their salespeople have the business acumen and experience to have the types of conversations this approach requires.

Trust 261

More Trending

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Pipeline Management in Salesforce: Everything You Need to Know


Here’s a fact. 44% of executives at companies with revenue exceeding $250 million believe their pipeline management to be ineffective. Do I have your attention? Now imagine a world where your sales process flows seamlessly, leads never slip through the cracks, and revenue pours in effortlessly. Welcome to the realm of pipeline management in Salesforce!

Pipeline 130
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Grow Revenue During a Recession by Being Counter-Intuitive

Understanding the Sales Force

All the requirements have been met. We have already seen these factors occur across the board: Low QoQ GDP. High interest rates. Massive layoffs. Inflation. Stock Market down. Cost-cutting. We are now seeing these events in sales organizations: Missed forecasts. Closing delays. Failure to hit quotas. Order cancellations. We know what doesn't work in a recession.

Quota 137
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The Future of B2B Sales Is Professional Expertise


In today’s fast-paced business environment, change is constant. While some buyers claim they would prefer a “salesperson-free buying experience,” many also suffer from buyer’s remorse. The reason is that business buyers treat complex purchase scenarios like they are buying a big-screen television from a retail store like Best Buy.

B2B 260
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Fundraising By VC Firms Themselves Is At a 10 Year Low. What That Means.


So when I was a founder, I didn’t pay much attention to how VC funds themselves worked. I just pitched them. But fast forward to today, and there is an incredible amount of information about how the industry actually works, and we put a bunch of the best stuff on SaaStr itself. Most important today is for founders to know (1) how active the venture markets are, at each stage and (2) how healthy venture is overall.

Pitch 143
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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How Important Are Personal Rights in the Sales Profession?


I recently read a rant on LinkedIn about rights versus responsibility. The author was complaining that we’ve gone too far in the workplace toward emphasizing personal rights, and forgotten that people have responsibilities as well.

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Marketing use cases for data clean rooms


Data clean rooms (DCRs) are a relatively new technology that marketers are using to enhance their use of data in a privacy-compliant way. Ana Milicevic, principal and co-founder of management consultancy Sparrow Advisers, recently gave The MarTech Conference some answers to pressing questions marketers have about how DCRs can power their stack. “If you are in a decision-making role you are probably tasked with at least evaluating whether this is a technology that you need to pay attention to,” s

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Less Is More: Why You Must Focus on Strategic Targets


As a sales leader, I require my teams to pursue strategic clients. I discourage them from spending their time on companies that won’t benefit from our approach. I learned to target the companies that would be a good fit for how we deliver value. Occasionally, a salesperson would chafe when I rejected companies that would not find what we do to offer a strategic advantage.

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SaaS Capital: Across 1,500 SaaS Startups, Yearly Contracts Don’t Actually Increase NRR


So SaaS Capital put out its latest report on SaaS retention and NRR after having surveyed over 1,500 SaaS companies and professionals. You can download it here. There are a lot of great learnings and metrics in the report, and a few stood out to me: #1. Annual Contracts Didn’t Boost NRR, And Even Multi-Year Contracts Only Had a Modest Impact on NRR.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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The Art and Science of Complex Sales Podcast


In the latest episode of the Art and Science of Complex Sales podcast, Paul Fuller sits down with Scott Leese , CEO of Scott Leese Consulting to discuss how openness and connection is important in Sales Leadership.

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How to steal your competitors’ featured snippets with ChatGPT (prompts included)

Search Engine Land

Are you struggling to rank for featured snippets and missing out on valuable traffic? I used to spend countless hours trying to optimize my content, making educated guesses on how to win those elusive featured snippets. The process was time-consuming and very hit-or-miss. Now, I can harness ChatGPT – including its understanding of SEO and exceptional writing skills – to generate near-perfect optimized snippets, saving me time and boosting my traffic.

Start-ups 129
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So, You Don't Need Sales Training


Every day we hear from individual sales reps that they get no support to improve their sales skills. We also hear from sales managers who have no budget to provide training for their sales team. And we hear leaders say that they expect the reps they hired to know how to sell. These leaders must believe the salesperson was trained by their prior employer or that they were born with some innate ability to sell.

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Where to find marketing ideas to boost your performance


Are you looking for inspiration to improve your organization’s marketing performance? Well, there’s plenty of inspiration if you keep your eyes and ears open. This may seem obvious, but sometimes I have to remind myself of this fact and of all the opportunities out there. As marketing-oriented professionals, we’re all responsible for contributing ideas, regardless of where we sit on the organizational chart.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Where Were The Leaders When People Were Struggling?

Partners in Excellence

As we see more organizations announce reductions and layoffs, we are seeing more CEOs use poor seller performance as an excuse for the layoffs. One CEO said, “We’ve identified more than 100 people on our sales team who have consistently missed expectations. Simply put, a significant percentage of our sales force has been repeatedly underperforming based on measurable performance targets and critical KPIs.

Meeting 119
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Google rolling out related topics filter on desktop search results

Search Engine Land

Google is now rolling out the related topics search filter feature on desktop search results. The related topics filter first launched on mobile search last December. Now Google is bringing it fully to desktop search. What it looks like. Here’s a screenshot of the new filter menu, compared to the old version. Old version: New version: Here is what it looks like when you filter on these “explore topic” related topic filters: Here is how the mobile version launched back in Decemb

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What Is Business Acumen in B2B Sales and Why It Is Critical


In The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need , you will find three competencies that most salespeople are lacking. The first is leadership, which is necessary to lead your clients. The second is change management, a set of skills that is becoming increasingly valuable for salespeople. And third competency is business acumen, without which it is impossible to be a consultative salesperson.

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73% of marketers now using generative AI tools


Generative AI has taken marketing by storm: 73% of B2B and B2C marketing executives say their companies are using it to help create text, images, videos or other content, according to a new survey. Not holding out for long. Thirty-one percent of those not using it expect to do so within a year and 46% within two years, according to the report from Botco.AI.

B2C 122
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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Simplifying Value Creation

Partners in Excellence

As sellers and leaders, we know we are supposed to create value–for our customers, our people, and each other. Too many of us, me included, tend to be very glib about the term, assuming everyone automatically understands what is meant by value creation. I’ve come to realize, despite how much we talk about it, we really don’t understand what it means, often overcomplicating it.

Teamwork 115
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Quarterback or Navigator: Best Analogy for Financial Advisors?


Since moving from Wisconsin to southern Florida, I have had the privilege of watching many rockets launch from my patio. As I searched the sky at 4:30 a.m., it struck me that I never know what part of the sky to watch because each time they head off in different directions. And while we are enthralled with the launch, those rockets have a destination to reach!

Finance 115
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Empower Your Sales Team: Foster Accountability for Prospecting


It is rare that salespeople default to prospecting, looking instead for other sales-related work. Sales leaders who worry about sales velocity and longer sales cycles should consider the contacts that no sales rep has ever touched. That contact may have been living in your CRM for a year or more, but the B2B sales process may have stalled.

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5 go-to-market recommendations for marketing leaders


Organizations need a go-to-market (GTM) strategy that uses the right metrics and mix of tactics or “motions” to drive revenue and survive economic challenges, said Sangram Vajre, CEO of analyst firm GTM Partners, in his second-day keynote at The MarTech Conference. A go-to-market strategy is an organization’s plan to engage customers to buy a product or service and gain a competitive advantage.

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5 Inspiring B2B Marketing Campaigns to Take Yours to the Next Level

Your next big B2B marketing idea starts here. Get inspired with these five successful B2B marketing campaigns. Ready to generate more leads, interest, and revenue with your B2B marketing? In this comprehensive eBook, you’ll get: In-depth studies of five successful B2B marketing campaigns spanning a wide range of industries Key takeaways and lessons from each story to implement in your own strategy Resources to help your own B2B marketing thrive By submitting this form, you agree to have your con

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6 ways to use ChatGPT for Amazon marketing

Search Engine Land

ChatGPT – and its numerous use cases – has been widely covered in the last few months. It can be used for writing (everything from essays and poems to blog articles and even music), coding and debugging, translating text, finding data sets, answering complex questions, solving math equations, and more. As with all new technologies, the AI chatbot has pros and cons.

Niche 118
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What Are Our Customers Really Buying?

Partners in Excellence

Many lifetimes ago, I was the Executive Assistant (today we call it Chief of Staff) for one of the top executives at IBM. One morning I was meeting with him, he had just returned from a trip, calling on customers and meeting with people in the branch offices in Boston. George was a little frustrated about his visit, particularly with a meeting with a sales team.

Customers 107
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5 Interesting Learnings from HubSpot at $2 Billion in ARR


So we’ve covered HubSpot on our 5 Interesting Learning series more than any other SaaS leader, but it’s for a reason. First, so many of us HubSpot itself every day, so it’s … well, tangible. And second, it’s similar to the apps many of us build, sell, and market ourselves. We all at least sort of know HubSpot. If they are doing well, then hey, that’s a challenge to all of us.

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An approach to unlocking first-party data strategies


Creating a data-driven marketing strategy can be intimidating. In my experience, a marketing strategy hinged on first-party data drives better business results. I’ve supported clients across all stages of creating a data-driven marketing strategy — from discovery and implementation to measurement and optimization. This article will discuss a four-step approach to creating a first-party data strategy. 1.

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2 Retail Sectors That Are Completely Changing the Game: FMCG & Q-Commerce

Speaker: Joe Heather, Deliverect GM (UK&I) & Noah Hayes, Deliverect GM (US&CA)

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Quick Commerce (Q-commerce) are two vibrant sectors that have undergone significant transformations with the advancements in digital technology. With growing internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphones, consumers' purchasing habits have unsurprisingly evolved. They now demand quick, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences, which both FMCG and Q-commerce sectors strive to provide.