Sat.May 13, 2023 - Fri.May 19, 2023

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4 Sales Tips To Thrive — Not Just Survive — In an Economic Downturn


We thought selling would be easier after the pandemic. Instead, we’ve been hearing “no” more often. Customers are fearing for their jobs, tightening their belts, and “ starting to freak out.” It’s no surprise that almost 70% of reps agree that selling has gotten harder. After talking with other sellers, and using Dale Carnegie’s principle to “get them saying yes, immediately,” I’ve come up with four key sales tips that can help you land

Trust 98
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Fearing Your Client: The Importance of Candor and Courage in Sales


One of the most important things about the One-Up approach you find in Elite Sales Strategies: A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating Value, and Becoming Truly Consultative , is that it positions you as an expert and authority on the results you help your clients improve. Leaders and decision-makers don’t want to buy from a salesperson; they want to buy from a business advisor who has experience.

Clients 265

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Founders: Before You Hire a Sales Team, Consider These Options

Sales Hacker

Running a startup is easier said than done, especially when you have a tight budget and limited resources. It’s hard to know when you’re ready to hire a sales team — and the consequences can make or break your startup. Perhaps not surprisingly, about 40% of new companies go out of business because they run out of cash or fail to raise capital, reports CB Insights.

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Selling to the CFO: Prepare Sellers to Answer These 5 Questions

Force Management

The Chief Financial Officer is an influential voice in any sales conversation. If you’re looking to drive growth for your organization, your reps must be able to influence the CFO to close higher-value deals. Recently, due to economic pressure and budget constraints, many sales teams are seeing CFOs get involved in every deal, regardless of size. The ability to sell to the CFO is now a crucial skill every seller needs in order to hit revenue targets in today’s market.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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8 Mistakes That Destroy Credibility With Prospects (& How to Avoid Them)


The average buyer in this day and age is shrewd — naturally skeptical of salespeople and having certain standards reps have to measure up to. That makes establishing credibility central to the success of any sales effort. But maintaining that kind of trustworthiness and legitimacy over multiple sales conversations can be easier said than done — a lot of reps run into hitches, hiccups, and human errors that undermine their credibility with prospects.

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Thoughts About Effective Selling


Those of us who have had the experience of selling in a highly commoditized industry adapt to the lack of differentiation. Even if your company does something different than your competitors, your prospective clients aren’t likely to find this compelling. As a result, some of us in the red ocean remove any conversation about our companies and our offerings.

Sell 264

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The 4 categories of AI that impact marketing: Generative AI


It’s almost impossible to ignore the impact of artificial intelligence on businesses today. The marketing industry is no exception. From ChatGPT ’s rise as the fastest-growing platform of all time to near-constant headlines on the latest AI-related product releases, we are inundated. But with all the hype, how can marketing leaders and their teams best determine how to utilize AI to benefit their work and customers?

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Dear SaaStr: When Searching for a Co-founder, How Do You Know You Found The Right One?


Dear SaaStr: When Searching for a Co-founder, How Do You Know You Found The Right One? I think it boils down to 2 key factors: Someone that is both very good at, and better than you, in several key functional areas. If you are good at coding, she is good at sales and customers. Or whatever. That together, the two of you have all the key functional areas covered decently, at least initially (Engineering, Product, Sales & Customers, Marketing).

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The Five Problems In Your Sales Pipeline


Sales leaders often require their sales force to fill their pipeline with several multiples of their quota. Ensuring you achieve your sales goal is a necessary goal, but this approach is a sign that the sales team isn’t working effectively. When a sales leader asks their team to create an outrageous overage of opportunities, there are big problems in the sales organization.

Pipeline 244
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The Art and Science of Complex Sales Podcast


In the latest episode of the Art and Science of Complex Sales podcast, Paul Fuller sits down with David Brock , Author of "Sales Manager Survival Guide,"​ & CEO at Partners In EXCELLENCE to chat about his problem-solving mindset and curiosity helps him understand problems and explore solutions.

Sales 132
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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5 tips for balancing ‘push’ and ‘pull’ in content marketing


The health of your business is highly dependent on your marketing strategy. In turn, your marketing strategy’s success depends on your content’s quality and substance. Customers overwhelmingly rely on a company’s content for purchasing decisions. One survey found that most people prefer content over social media, reviews or contact with a sales rep.

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Keyword difficulty in SEO guide: Everything you need to know

Search Engine Land

Keyword difficulty isn’t one of SEO’s hottest topics or latest trends. But it is a powerful metric when you understand its potential. It can help you to make educated decisions about your prospects of ranking for specific terms, allowing you to make tactical choices that underpin your SEO strategy. Here’s what keyword difficulty means for SEO, how the score is measured and tips for using it to get better results.

Gambling 130
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Mastering the Art of Selling Value—Strategies for B2B Salespeople


Many salespeople believe they are selling value when they are really selling their products and their services. This is the result of a legacy approach to selling that teaches salespeople that their company and their offerings create value. Because they believe that their solution is the value, their selling strategy is poor. You should avoid this approach to sales.

Sell 244
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Do You Say “Complex” When You Mean “Lazy”?


Although my company explicitly serves the “complex B2B sales” market, I’ve never really liked the word “complex.” In its correct definition, “complex B2B sales” is an accurate description of a particular type of selling.

B2B 129
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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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What marketers should keep in mind when adopting AI


AI applications and generative AI tools are becoming more widely available to marketers , but are marketers ready for them? Do they have the skills needed to adopt this technology and take full advantage of its capabilities? That was the focus of a panel at The MarTech Conference , here are some of the takeaways from that discussion. AI requires human supervision As AI evolves, capabilities will expand.

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My #1 Best Hack for VC Fundraising


So raising VC capital has gotten a lot harder than it was at the peak of 2021 — when it was still hard for all but the best and more privileged. But boy, it’s harder today. Everything has slowed down, the bar has gone up, and even VC funds themselves are struggling to do their own fundraising: Fundraising By VC Firms Themselves Is At a 10 Year Low.

Price 124
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Concessions vs. Negotiations: Sales Credibility at Stake


Many sales organizations use a terrible approach to negotiation, one that harms salespeople and their companies. Concessions are at the heart of this approach because many salespeople mistake concessions for negotiation.

Negotiate 233
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10 SEO challenges faced by fast-growing SaaS companies

Search Engine Land

“We’re at around 100,000 monthly organic traffic, but we cannot sustain the SERP positions and conversions…” “We are at 530,000 monthly organic traffic, but our growth has become stagnant and we’re unable to scale up…” I hear plenty of similar SEO concerns from SaaS companies. After working on numerous audits, I found that most of them struggle with SEO issues that impact their customer acquisition costs and diminish revenues. 1.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Becoming The “Topic Authority”

Partners in Excellence

Most of our marketing and selling efforts focus on becoming the “product/solution authority.” “We have the leading CRM solution on the market…… Our manufacturing technologies are the best solutions available… We are the leading provider of financial services solutions… ” Our content and our selling efforts focus on demonstrating the superiority of our solutions. “We have the best references, we have more features/functions, we are cheaperR

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Digital ad spend growth drops to 7.8% this year


U.S. digital ad spend is only expected to increase 7.8% in 2023, dropping below 10% for the first time in 14 years, according to a new forecast from eMarketer. It is projected to rebound to 11.2% growth in 2024, the forecast said. Yearly increases in digital ad spending are predicted to hover around 10% through 2027. Digital ad spend saw a dramatic rebound in 2021 following the initial wave of the COVID pandemic — when it saw growth of 37.6%.

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The Best Cold Call Script You'll Ever Need


My first job, which I started at age 12, was delivering newspapers. Making money meant knocking on every door in three apartment complexes and asking the person that answered to subscribe to the paper. Knocking on doors is a real cold call.

Cold Call 223
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What is content readability and how to make your content easier to read

Search Engine Land

Content that doesn’t get read is useless. So, how do you create content your audience will read (and not just skim)? Make it more readable. This sounds so simple it’s silly, but it’s true. Readability is a giant factor that will determine everything from who engages with your content, how much value they get from it, and whether they’ll return to read more.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Un-Gating your Content in the Age of Content Saturation

Heinz Marketing

By Sarah Threet , Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing You’ve spent months developing a content strategy and weeks laboring over a piece of content that you have deemed “high value”. Conventional inbound marketing tells you that you need to create a landing page for this content and gate that content behind a form that leads will need to fill to view and download your content.

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3 key categories of a high-performing marketing organizational structure


In earlier parts of this series, I have covered two out of five interconnected points of a framework for designing a high-performing marketing organization : Proposition. How do you align and concentrate your creative marketing firm’s or in-house agency’s services with a focused vision, positioning strategy and value proposition? Principles.

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The Mistake of Pursuing Easy-to-Win but Undesirable Clients in Sales


One mistake weak salespeople make is pursuing clients that are easy to win but difficult to service after the deal is closed. These easy-to-win clients desperately need a salesperson to agree to take their business because better salespeople refuse it. Once an unsuspecting salesperson wins these undesirable clients, the client’s constraints become the salesperson’s company’s problems.

Clients 216
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How to Write Sales Emails That Stand Out with Will Allred

Sales Hacker

Writing good emails is vital in sales, and every salesperson has their own email tactic. But you only get one shot at getting your sales emails opened, so it’s critical to do it right. In this episode of the Sales Hacker podcast, our host Colin Campbell welcomes Will Allred , the co-founder and COO of Lavender. They talk about the potential application of ChatGPT in sales, why frameworks are better than templates, and how to personalize your email sequence.

Sales 109
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5 Inspiring B2B Marketing Campaigns to Take Yours to the Next Level

Your next big B2B marketing idea starts here. Get inspired with these five successful B2B marketing campaigns. Ready to generate more leads, interest, and revenue with your B2B marketing? In this comprehensive eBook, you’ll get: In-depth studies of five successful B2B marketing campaigns spanning a wide range of industries Key takeaways and lessons from each story to implement in your own strategy Resources to help your own B2B marketing thrive By submitting this form, you agree to have your con

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Requirements for Successful Marketing Attribution: Data

Heinz Marketing

By Brenna Lofquist , Senior Marketing Consultant / Client Services Operations at Heinz Marketing I’m going to stick with the attribution theme ( see my recent blog post ) since it’s continued to be a popular topic in B2B Marketing. In my previous post, I walked through the different attribution models. Once you have an idea of the model, you need to understand all the requirements to make it possible.

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10 Tips to Fundraising in The Tumultuous Times of 2023


So 2023 is a unique time in venture fundraising. We’re coming off a stretch in 2021 where VC capital hit crazy, record highs… and now is coming into multi-year lows. It’s a time when SaaS and Cloud spend are also at record highs , and many Cloud leaders are still growing at strong rates … yet many startups have stopped growing at all. And really worst of all is multiples.

Gaming 106
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Nearly 30% of Instacart’s revenue is from advertising

Search Engine Land

Instacart made $740 million in ad revenue in 2022, a 30% increase over 2021. Surging ad business. The Information reported: “The grocery-delivery firm’s ad revenue totaled about $740 million last year, up 30% from 2021, according to a person familiar with the matter. That’s a striking increase, given that the digital ad market was largely stagnant last year.

Retail 105
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The importance of Stakeholders and Practice Leads in agile marketing


There’s a big misconception, especially in marketing, that agile is a new practice for the team. Some think that if the team gets trained on agile marketing , they can work differently, with new meetings and tools,and reap the benefits of agility: speed-to-market, customer-centricity and team satisfaction, just to name a few. This theory is fundamentally flawed because agility is a mindset and a new culture with strategies that support how you achieve the new desired state.

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2 Retail Sectors That Are Completely Changing the Game: FMCG & Q-Commerce

Speaker: Joe Heather, Deliverect GM (UK&I) & Noah Hayes, Deliverect GM (US&CA)

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Quick Commerce (Q-commerce) are two vibrant sectors that have undergone significant transformations with the advancements in digital technology. With growing internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphones, consumers' purchasing habits have unsurprisingly evolved. They now demand quick, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences, which both FMCG and Q-commerce sectors strive to provide.