Sat.Jan 27, 2018 - Fri.Feb 02, 2018

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What Do the Blockchain and B2B Sales Have in Common (And Why It Matters)?


Bitcoin. Ethereum. Ripple. Cardano. Stellar Lumens. No, this isn’t the beginning of some Star Trek fan-fiction, although the world of cryptocurrencies would fit right in on an episode of Deep Space Nine. Most cryptocurrencies are built on a revolutionary technology called the blockchain , which at a high level is an extremely secure, public ledger that is shared and verified by a distributed network of computers.

B2B 156
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Is revenue operations just another word for sales operations?


During a recent analysis of the available “operations” jobs on LinkedIn, we discovered a significant number of “revenue operations” jobs — 59,110 to be exact. It sparked the question, “Is revenue operations just another word for sales operations, or are the roles fundamentally different?”. We spoke to several operations professionals to help us better define revenue ops, and understand how the role fits into an organization relative to sales ops.


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2 Big Reasons for Abandoned Sales Opportunities

Score More Sales

We walk away from sales opportunities every day - abandoned sales opportunities. You do it, I do it, and a few of us have the discipline to identify why our deal didn’t come to closure.

Sales 97
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Stop Doing Stupid Sh*t: 18 Outdated Sales Tactics to Abandon in 2018


I’ve been selling for over 30 years, and it’s been a blast. I’ve seen some incredible changes, and I can say without a doubt that right now is the best time to invest in a sales career. Sales is fun, critically important to scaling businesses, financially lucrative, and intellectually stimulating. But being a salesperson in 2018 is very different than being a salesperson in 1987.

Cold Call 101
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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An Essential Checklist For Writing Sales Proposals That Actually Win Deals

Sales Hacker

In this article, you’ll learn how to write a sales proposal, along with a pre-meeting checklist to follow in order to maximize your chances of closing the deal. Simple Sales Proposal Evaluation Checklist. Is it organized? Is it readable? Does it address the prospect’s pain? Does it address pricing and timeline? Is it organized? Often, when we spend weeks working on a proposal, we know our way around the document just as well as our own home.

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Measure Change in Sales Effectiveness without Numbers and Metrics

Understanding the Sales Force

We want to get better at selling and as sales leaders we want our salespeople to improve. We need them to improve. We hope that training and coaching and sales ennoblement tools will get us there. We have also been told that there is more than one way to skin a cat but it might come as a surprise that there is more than one way to measure the progress being made by your salespeople.

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2 Simple Frameworks That Will Make You a Better Storyteller


As content strategists, we spend a lot of time talking to business people about the importance of storytelling to their business. When the subject comes up, a lot of folks get nervous. They say things like, “Well, I’m no Hemingway!” or some other nervous response. The pressure of storytelling can keep a lot of people from even trying. But here’s the thing: we don’t have to be Hemingway to be good at stories.

Start-ups 101
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6 Digital Practices That Bring Back 5X More Revenue Growth for B2B


It’s not fair. Some B2B companies really do have an unbeatable advantage. New research from McKinsey points to a specific path for digital transformation as the defining factor allowing some B2B leaders to post operating profits 8X greater than their peers on 5X greater revenue growth. In fact, overall, these leaders can post an average profit growth of 13.5 percent while the rest of the industry watches their margins shrink.

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The Myth Of The “Single Decisionmaker”


How many people are involved in the customer buying decision? If you are a fan of CEBs research, the answer is 6.8. Other research says there is always a single dominant decision-maker. Still other research suggests there is a dominant influencer (or mobilizer), that drives the decision-making.

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How To Structure Your Sales Organization For Maximum Efficiency

Sales Hacker

In this blueprint, we provide insights on how to structure your sales organization. The changes in SaaS require that we no longer look at salespeople as individual contributors, but rather a team that crosses disciplines, not just within sales but also across other parts of the organization such as marketing and product. The Winning By Design Blueprint Series provides practical advice for every part of a SaaS sales organization.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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10 Ways to Start a Sales Call So Prospects Don't Hang Up On You


How do you feel when your phone rings and you realize you’re receiving a call from a salesperson? For most business people, it’s interruptive, annoying, and distracting. But if it’s your job to call prospects , you don’t have to fall into the category of “pesky sales rep.”. To kickstart a productive, professional conversation, you need a strong opening.

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The Secret of Creating Effective Sales Content vs. Influential Marketing Content


Sales reps are calling for more and better content so they can ramp up revenues, yet up to 70 percent of the content already produced by marketing is going unused. Why? For many B2B organizations, the problem of disappearing content now stands in the way of sales and marketing alignment. One of the primary reasons for this breakdown is that sales and marketing too often use contradicting definitions of a shared word: content.

B2B 73
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Four recommendations for old-school sales environments

Heinz Marketing

Quite frequently we have the opportunity to work with companies where sales is primarily done by field-based relationship sellers. These are reps who remind me of my father – hard workers, driven and focused, high on building personal relationships that create trust, integrity and loyalty. Unfortunately many of those reps also operate at random, without a process or a disciplined, consistent way of building and converting their pipeline.

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Sales Leadership is About Building Relationships

The Sales Hunter

How many times have you talked to somebody who you can tell is not paying attention? Years ago I worked with Tom, who yes, was a nice guy, but I never felt I had his attention when talking with him. I’d be talking with Tom in a hallway or meeting room and the entire time […].

Sales 71
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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7 Sales Role Play Exercises to Hone Your Negotiation Skills


Like most skills, your ability to negotiate improves with practice. However, getting opportunities to practice isn’t easy. There’s a lot on the line during a negotiation with the buyer. You need to focus on your objectives, your prospect’s goals, potential landmines, and more. In addition, this isn’t an optimal time to try a new technique -- if it doesn’t work and things go south, you could lose the deal.

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How To Earn A Sales Meeting In 2018 (Template Included)

Sales Hacker

Sales development is a passion of mine. Say what you will, I don’t consider the sales development rep (SDR) an entry-level role. SDRs aren’t just telemarketers: they’re the front line of your company’s first-impressions. If you blow that first impression , it’s difficult to recover. And as more and more outreach becomes automated, more prospects tune out and you have to try harder to be memorable.

Meeting 69
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Predictions for 2018 - The Sales Triad Will Provide Record Sales Growth

Understanding the Sales Force

The economy is doing well, unnecessary regulations have been rolled back, the stock market is soaring, unemployment is low, consumer confidence is up, manufacturing has returned, companies are investing in the American economy, businesses are confident about the future and tax cuts are about to make paychecks bigger for about 90% of all Americans. What will consumers do with that extra money?

Growth 65
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Your Sales Results are a Direct Result of Your Level of Focus

The Sales Hunter

I woke up this morning and was shocked to find I had the same amount of time today as you. Your competitor woke up today and they too found themselves with the same amount of time as you. At the end of the day, will I or my competitor have achieved more? It comes down […].

Sales 68
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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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How to Be a Good Car Salesperson


How to Be a Good Car Salesperson. Remember Names. Ask the Right Questions. Build Rapport. Listen Twice as Much as You Talk. Treat Every Customer Equally. Don't Disparage Other Dealers. Don't Be Pushy. Make Eye Contact. Avoid Untrustworthy Language. Discuss Price Last. Never Let Yourself Be Bored. Always Follow Up. Be the Last Face They See. Leave Bad Training Behind.

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B2B Reads: Cards Against Humanity, Patient Impatience, and Millennial Marketing

Heinz Marketing

In addition to our Sunday App of the Week feature, we also summarize some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the Web each week. We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please add it to the comments below. In the meantime, here are some B2B Reads we love: 48 Marketing Predictions to Look Out For in 2018.

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Sales Leadership Series: Do Your Front-Line Sales Managers Know Your Business Outcomes?


The vast majority of the front-line sales leaders I met cannot accurately articulate the corporate goal for their company or departments' fiscal year. Most of the time I will get either blank looks when I ask, or I’ll get a lot of “um… well… it’s complicated. Do you want total sales, new sales—what exactly do you want?” (As they look around the room at their fellow front-line sales leaders to come save them with an answer).

Sales 59
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How the 'one system' myth can destroy your effectiveness


There’s no doubt that disconnected systems and siloed information can kill organizational effectiveness. In an effort to combat this, many companies strive to buy integrated solutions that can handle data and processes across all organizational functions, from marketing and sales to ERP, HR, production and supply chain.

Process 59
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5 Inspiring B2B Marketing Campaigns to Take Yours to the Next Level

Your next big B2B marketing idea starts here. Get inspired with these five successful B2B marketing campaigns. Ready to generate more leads, interest, and revenue with your B2B marketing? In this comprehensive eBook, you’ll get: In-depth studies of five successful B2B marketing campaigns spanning a wide range of industries Key takeaways and lessons from each story to implement in your own strategy Resources to help your own B2B marketing thrive By submitting this form, you agree to have your con

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Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship [FAQ]


Intrapreneurship definition. An intrapreneur works at a large company but acts like the leader of a startup. They typically manage a small team and/or have complete ownership over a product or initiative that’s separate from their organization’s “core” business. There are several other key differences as well. Look up “intrapreneur,” and Google will ask if you meant to search for “entrepreneur.

Product 87
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Matt’s App of the Week: Proof

Heinz Marketing

This is the latest in a series of weekend posts highlighting a wide variety of applications we think are pretty cool. Most have to do with sales, marketing and productivity. Check out past featured apps here. I highly encourage you to register for next month’s free B2B Sales Summit , but before you do check out the cool pop-ups that occasionally show up in the lower right-hand corner of the site.

B2B 61
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Sales Leadership Series: Do Your Front-Line Sales Managers Know How To Align Sales Objectives To Business Outcomes?


In Part A of this series, we talked about the unfortunate miscommunication that most sales organizations have with their front-line sales leaders in clearly outlining the core business outcomes. Assuming that step has been tackled, can your front-line sales leaders tell you how specifically they’re measuring important milestones that will achieve your business outcomes?

Sales 55
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Sales Motivation Video: Tomorrow Begins Today

The Sales Hunter

Tomorrow begins today. Always keep this in mind! Never shut down work for today until you have tomorrow planned. You need to prepare your mind for hitting the ground running, and the best way to do that is to plan! Check out the video to see what I mean: A coach can help you […].

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2 Retail Sectors That Are Completely Changing the Game: FMCG & Q-Commerce

Speaker: Joe Heather, Deliverect GM (UK&I) & Noah Hayes, Deliverect GM (US&CA)

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Quick Commerce (Q-commerce) are two vibrant sectors that have undergone significant transformations with the advancements in digital technology. With growing internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphones, consumers' purchasing habits have unsurprisingly evolved. They now demand quick, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences, which both FMCG and Q-commerce sectors strive to provide.

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Why It’s Easy to Market Your Clients But Not Yourself


If a client so much as sneezes an idea in my direction, I’ll have a fully fleshed out strategy in under an hour. You know how all the productivity gurus describe “being in flow”? That’s kind of what happens. My brain starts overflowing with answers. “Oh! You need to do X. You need to say Y on this specific page. You need to NOT do ABC. You need to hire Z.

Clients 77
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Trust me, you need an assistant (but not for the reason you might think)

Heinz Marketing

Seven years ago I was adamant I didn’t need help. I could book my own travel, schedule my own meetings and pick up my own mail thank you very much! Then I started reading about how other people leveraged their assistants. Turns out delegation is just a means until the ends. Administrative outsourcing is not the goal. It turned out that smarter people were using assistants specifically and intentionally to 3-5X their impact.

Trust 59
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The Best Thing That I Ever Did for Myself

Adaptive Business Services

I started my B2B selling career in 1977. I’m not even so sure how good of a salesperson I was but, inside of two years I was the sales manager. From then until 2005, just about my entire career was in management and ownership positions. While I was probably pretty good at management, for the most part I hated it but, it was almost as if you can’t get out of it once you’re in it.

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How to Uncover Three Levels of Pain in Every Discovery Call


You may have heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. In the 21st century, this dogma extends beyond face-to-face conversations and into the virtual communication that comprises inside sales. As such, successful modern sellers are able to kick off relationships with productive, valuable conversations, setting the tone for an entire deal.

Quota 52
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.